Saturday, July 29, 2017

Is The U.S. Military Able To Adjust Its Readiness In The Face Of Climate Change?

Roger-Mark De Souza, The Cipher Brief: Climate Change: A Real Challenge to U.S. Military Readiness

When President Donald Trump decided to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement this June, it confirmed the administration’s intent to pull back on international efforts to combat global climate change. The Cipher Brief’s Fritz Lodge spoke with the Director of Population, Environmental Security, and Resilience at the Wilson Center, Roger-Mark De Souza, about what practical effect this decision will have on efforts to combat global climate change, and how this affects U.S. national security.

The Cipher Brief: What are the practical vs. the symbolic effects of the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on global climate policy?

Roger-Mark De Souza: The Trump Administration has withdrawn the U.S., but they have to continue meeting the requirements of the Paris Agreement for four years, and then at that point they will be able to withdraw. So we are looking at a practical withdrawal from the agreement four years from now.

Symbolically, what it does is send a global message about the degree to which the U.S. government is looking at climate change issues at the federal level. That message is about putting America First, and it raises deep questions about whether America First can coexist with a recognition of how important climate change is to U.S. security, prosperity, and the way that the U.S. engages with partners globally.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Oh oh .... this is not part of the media narrative ....  NASA Confirms Falling Sea Levels For Two Years Amidst Media Blackout ( NASA`s data that shows this freeze in rising sea levels is here.

Hat tip to Fred for the Cipher Brief link.


TWN said...

The over all trend is still up, where I live you can see the effects, I'm 600 Meters from the beach and it is being eroded the grass buffer between the sand and the road is starting to give way. The play park in the village now gets flooded at the highest tides right over the sea wall. The thing is it's way to late in the day to stop, and politics gets in the way, the Paris deal let China, India and most of the 3rd world out of it, the cry babies/climate Nazis should have been screaming about that but they didn't it's all about the US with these dicks. The thing that really gets me about all this is nobody will talk about the real reason this is happening and that is over population, 7.4 billion people and rising, the real solution is to cull the human population down to about 1 billion. Have lottery everyone participates the rich and the poor all races, except the muslims their to fucking nuts and the do-gooders you know the peace corp types anyone that worked for habitat for humanity, the PC crowd, etc all go and me I volunteer to be in the first group. But humans are to stupid to do what needs to be done and are hell bent to really fuck it all up thus it will be very interesting to see them run around blaming each other, and Ill laugh my ass off at then, no smarter than yeast our fellow humans, fell real bad about the animals though.

War News Updates Editor said...

About 20 odd years ago I was in Greece and one of the many places that I went to see was the battle of Thermopylae. The Greeks have always kept that place as a monument of Greek resolve for almost 2500 years. I noticed rigth away that it is a perfect bottle-neck. The mountains on one side, a small pass in the middle, the sea on the other side. Ooopppsss .... but the sea was not there. The sea was a mile and a half!?!?!?! That made no sense .... until it was explained to me that after 2500 years of climate change, earthquakes, geological shifts, and God only knows what else .... the sea had receded a mile away. Was man made global warming the cause of this change .... nope. What caused it was mother earth doing what she has been doing since the beginning of time.