Thursday, July 6, 2017

No One Booked A Hotel For President Trump's Stay In Hamburg During The G20 Meeting

BuzzFeed: President Trump Apparently Couldn't Find A Hotel To Book For The G20 Summit

He is one of the most powerful people in the world. He is coming to the meeting of 20 powerful countries. And he has a problem: no hotel room for the G20.

White House officials apparently waited too long to book accommodations for President Trump, leaving him without a hotel in Hamburg, Germany, as world leaders converge for the G20 summit.

Organizers announced the scheduled summit in February 2016, which requires 9,000 hotel rooms to accommodate world leaders, their sizable staffs, and security details.

The Hamburger Abendblatt, a local news outlet, reported that the US government wanted to accommodate Trump in the Four Seasons, but it was already booked. In fact, it turns out that every luxury hotel in Hamburg was reportedly booked by the time the Americans called, leaving Trump, who is associated with an empire of hotel properties, scrambling for a place to stay.

Read more ....

Update: Trump Scrambles for G-20 Hotel (US News and World Report)

WNU Editor: The press is blaming President Trump for this sanfu ..... but my gut is telling me that they are wrong. These reservations are usually done a year in advance. For example .... next year's G20 is in Buenos Aires .... and I am sure most (if not all) of the hotels have already been booked and/or slated for the heads of state who will be visiting. And while I do not know how the U.S. goes about booking their reservations .... and what I am going to say is pure speculation on my part .... but a part of me wonders if officials in the State Department/White House during the Obama administration made the decision to not bother making any reservations for the G20 meeting in Hamburg because they knew that they would not be here at this time .... an oversight not noticed by the incoming Trump administration until U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson himself was stuck with no hotel reservation during the Group of 20 meeting in February at Bonn. I am sure that after that event there was a scramble (and probably an awareness) that it was too late to book anything for Hamburg ... hence the reason why President Trump is staying at Hamburg's Senate guesthouse for the next few days. But like I said .... I am just speculating. :)

Update: On a side note .... a few months ago the GF wanted me to book a villa at a specific resort  in St. Barts for her 50th birthday next year. Went about doing it .... and .... all of them were already BOOKED!!!!! Lesson of the day .... if you want to book something nice .... you have to do it a year plus in advance .... a lesson that I am sure the people in the White House are well aware of tonight.


Jay Farquharson said...

Couch surfing at a friends,


fred said...

When in doubt blame obama or the media

RussInSoCal said...

Heck - just stay on the plane.

/its got a nice suite... and other stuff....

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go out on a limb and say this story was created for safety reasons...keep em guessing. If they think he isn't there they won't burn down the building.

Jac said...

There is one guy who must be very happy: G.W. Bush. Before Trump every bad things was his fault, but now that's Trump's one.
I'm pretty sure that's if the next President will be a Democrat, every failure will be a victory.
I don't know how US will still be a democracy with such a divide. Sad.

fred said...

Obama gang was sure Hillary would win and did not want her to have a hotel room...mean old Obama. Doesn't Trump own a hotel in that town?

Jay Farquharson said...

The Hair Twitler and his Minion's are staying at the Gastenhaus de Senats,


Schone Assensicht 26, Hamburg, 22085

Phone Number:

+49 40 3005 1300

On the German Taxpayer's dime.ästehaus-des-senats-hamburg

The Canadian Foreign Ministry booked their suite's May 8th, 2017 when the delegation was finalized.

This would normally be the job of the White House Travel Office, or the US State Department, but after 164 days, neither "office" is fully staffed, there are still 458 vacancies and 0 nominee's.

The last 43 people approached to serve in either the State Department or the White House Travel Office, elected to decline the offer.

Jay Farquharson said...

Most Great White Dope branded properties, are paying gokd money to take Adolph Twitler's name off the building.

RussInSoCal said...

The fact that Trump is staying on Germany's dime is pleasingly ironic. The two top floors better be up to snuff or "Hair Twitler" might make it known...

/I hear Merkel is notoriously cheap. (with her own money)

War News Updates Editor said...

You cannot compare the Canadian delegation to Russia, China, U.S., etc.. The size and support staff and how to accommodate them is night and day. Still .... this could have been handled better. But I have been reading stories that Tillerson has been purging the State Department since his nomination .... this probably did not help. But the argument of having more employees may also expedite the situation is kind of lame .... I live in Quebec Canada, and the bureaucracy and the size of of the government workforce has exploded in the past ten years .... but the services that I get from them take longer and are more confusing to understand.

War News Updates Editor said...

Fred. You forget. Relations between the Clinton and Obama teams were never great.

Jay Farquharson said...

The Cheeto Benito's gonna hate it,

The decor is German Practical, not Nouveau Riche/ Slumlord Gold Plate.

Queen Elizabeth loved it, but then, she has more years of Military Service alone, than Hair Twitler and his entire family.

Everybody's in Hamburg on the German taxpayers dime in some manner, but like Hair Furour's 28 golf trips so far, it's costing the US Taxpayer $1.3 million a day for him to be there.

Unlike other trip's, The Great Orange Bloat's not going to make any money personally off it. No overpriced Trump Water, no Green Fees.

Jay Farquharson said...


The Saudi's booked the Hyatt and 3 other hotels on May 6th.

For Conferences, Hotel's always hold suites for the "High Rollers", a year in advance, and rent them out on a first come, first serve basis, based on a mix of delegate status and spending habits.

Word is, none of Hair Twitler's minion's even started looking for accomodation until mid June.


The Saudi's who tip big, spend large and pay well for the rapes and sexual assaults?

Or Cheeto Benito who welshes on the bill and deny's the rapes and sexual assaults?

Quite the conundrum.

War News Updates Editor said...

Jay. The Saudis may have booked on May 6th .... but I would not be surprised if they told the hotel(s) months before that they wanted these rooms at these dates .... reserved them .... and then confirmed and paid everything on the 6th (i.e. have it officially booked). I could be wrong .... but when I was doing this via through ICAO decades ago .... that is how we did things.

In the whole scheme of things this is really a non-story. I posted it up because I was reflecting on my own history when I was responsible for such things .... to always make sure that everything was booked or reserved a minimum of 6 months (if not more) in advance. These things can never be delayed at the last moment .... even if it's a month or two before the event. Never. And especially if it involves the head of state.

On a side note. A ticket broker friend of mine arranges trips for people to come to Montreal for the Grand Prix. He reserves everything 6 - 8 months in advance, and makes sure everything is paid (i.e. booked) two months ahead of the event.

The Canadian (May 8) and Saudi delegations (May 6) paid everything 2 months before the G20 summit .... that makes sense. But I am willing to bet that the prep for it was done months before that.

fazman said...

Airforce one is comfy enough

War News Updates Editor said...

I am sure there are some nice places for rent on Airbnb. :)

Jay Farquharson said...


Keep on enabling Trump,

Anonymous said...

Air BNB?

War News Updates Editor said...
