Thursday, July 13, 2017

Planned Russian - Chinese Naval Exercises In The Baltic Sea Are Raising Concerns In NATO And Washington

The ships are expected to proceed to the Joint Sea-2017 exercise with Russia to be held off the Russian port cities of Kaliningrad and St. Petersburg. (file photo)

USNI News: China and Russia’s Joint Sea 2017 Baltic Naval Exercise Highlight a New Normal in Europe

China and Russia planned exercise in the Baltic Sea is raising eyebrows in northern Europe, NATO headquarters and Washington.

Dubbed Joint Sea 2017, the China-Russia maritime exercise in late July will see the introduction of a People’s Liberation Army Navy destroyer, frigate, and a support ship into the Baltic Sea. The PLAN flotilla will join Russia’s Baltic Sea fleet off St. Petersburg for joint drills. Joint Sea 2017 follows on the heels of the latest iteration of BALTOPs, a U.S. Navy Europe-led annual exercise that in mid-June brought together some fifty ships and fifty aircraft — including a B-52 and a B-1 — from the U.S., Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and other allied navies.

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WNU Editor: Welcome to the new normal.

More News On Chinese - Russian Naval Exercises In Europe

Russian Military Bombs ‘Enemy Submarine’ In Drills Near New U.S. War Games -- Newsweek
Chinese Navy Conducts Live-Fire Drill in Mediterranean Sea -- The Diplomat
Chinese Ships Drill In Mediterranean En Route To Joint Exercises With Russia -- RFE
Russian and Chinese fleets put pressure on NATO in the Baltic Sea -- Pravda
Russian-Chinese drills at Baltic Sea inject novelty into military cooperation — ambassador -- TASS


D.Plowman said...

WNU Editor: Welcome to the new normal.

Partly created by a gradual process of bad political decisions from one administration to the next, and looks to continue with the current administration.

B.Poster said...


I must say I agree. What specifucally would you suggest previous administrations should have done differently? What do you think the current administration as well as the current US government should do differently?

I think I've largely been consistent on my views. 1.) I recognuzed in mid 1998 that Russia and China, especially China at the time, were growing stronger relative to the US and due to previous decisions made by America this could not be reversed. Essentially America should have been treating Russia and China as the equal and on some cases superior powers that they are. The United States should have been positioning itself for a world where Russia and China dominate and, at best for America, we might be on an equal position to these great powers. As Russia began gaining strength in the early 2000s at an accelerated rate, the need for America to adjust became even more apparent.

The same would generally apply to the current US government and the Trump Administration. Treat Russia and China as equals who are in some ways the stronger powers that they are, respect them, and LOSE THE ANTI-RUSSIAN HYSTERIA!! This does NOT mean we do every thing they want but it should provide an excellent framework to engage in fruitful negotiations.

In the case of Russia, lift sanctions, return the property stolen from the Russian officials, and withdraw support from the corrupt chump government of Ukraine. Until thexe grave injustices are rectified even an attempt at negotiations probably cannot start.

B.Poster said...


By Bolshevik I'm assuming you mean the communists. The only communists left in Russia today are old, alone, and very near the end of their lives. There are much more "Bolsheviks" in the US than there are in Russia. By this logic you must kill most of the democrats as well as much of the news media and you should unite with Russia in opposition to these people.

I think this may be the heart of the problem some have with Russia. Having rejected communism they are now loathed by those in the media and the US government who embrace it and they can never be forgiven for their rejection of communism.

"China will go to war with Russia." You may well be correct here. China is our largest trading partner and since the US government seems h!ll bent on going out of its way to provoke conflict with Russia had the twits had half brains they might have been able to utilize China as a bulwark/buffer against Russia. Unfortunately these imbeciles can't even get that right!!