Tuesday, July 18, 2017

President Trump And President Putin Had A Second Undisclosed Hour-Long Meeting At The G-20 Summit

Washington Post: Trump had undisclosed hour-long meeting with Putin at G-20 summit

After his much-publicized, two-and a quarter-hour meeting early this month with Russian President Vladi­mir Putin at the Group of 20 summit in Germany, President Trump met informally with the Russian leader for an additional hour later the same day.

The second meeting, unreported at the time, took place at a dinner for G-20 leaders, a senior administration official said. Halfway through the meal, Trump left his own seat to occupy a chair next to Putin. Trump was alone, and Putin was attended only by his official interpreter.

The encounter underscores the extent to which Trump was eager throughout the summit to cultivate a friendship with Putin. During last year’s campaign, Trump spoke admiringly of Putin and at times seemed captivated by him.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Leaders at these meetings always have numerous off-the-record meetings .... this is nothing new. But it looks like someone has now leaked it, and the U.S. press is now up in arms that they were not informed. As to what was discussed .... it was probably a continuation of their meeting from that afternoon.

More News On Reports That President Trump And President Putin Had A Second Undisclosed Hour-Long Meeting At The G-20 Summit

Trump and Putin Held a Second, Undisclosed, Private Conversation -- New York Times
Trump, Putin held a second, undisclosed meeting at G20 summit -- Reuters
Trump had second conversation with Putin in Germany -- AP
Trump, Putin had second, undisclosed talk at G-20 -- The Hill
Trump spoke with Putin at the end of the G20 social dinner -- CNN
Trump and Putin Had A Second Private Conversation at G20 Summit -- Sputnik
Trump's secret Putin pow-wow: What could go wrong? -- Will Bunch, Philly.com


James said...

Borscht, and let me tell you it was huuuuuuge!

War News Updates Editor said...


Russinsocal said...

OMG - an undisclosed meeting with PutinSatan. Shrieks of "Treason!!!!" to begin any minute now.

\its all so predictable

Anonymous said...

The trouble is that Trumps and others are under attack for secret meetings with Russians, so the smart thing to do right now is disclose, disclose, disclose all contacts with the Russians, especially secret or semi-secret ones.

Putin and Trump could have been talking about golf, but appearances mean a lot right now for political purposes.

Disclosure: I don't support Trump (and not Hillary either).

jimbrown said...

Im shocked shocked to find out that secret second side meeting were taking place between Trump and Putin at the g20 conference!

Anonymous said...

So what fake news

Unknown said...

"WNU Editor: Leaders at these meetings always have numerous off-the-record meetings .... "

" Anonymous said...
The trouble is that Trumps and others are under attack for secret meetings with Russians"

Trouble is that if you take notice of the Democrats they pile on.

Correct response is to take the Democrats out.

Fight fire with fire.

Jac said...

I'm very surprised that Putin and Trump meeting is a problem. In other time we would tell they have "a good contact" and it would be a good sign we are talking with each other.....Now it's a crime!
I'm so afraid we are losing Democracy Spirit in USA.

Jay Farquharson said...

It's a "problem", because it was Trump, Putin, and Putin's Translator.

National Security Protocols hold that the meeting should have been no less than Trump, Putin, Putin's Translator, and a US Translator,

And of course, that Team Trump keeps concealing their meeting's with the Russians,

Then lying about the meetings,

Until called on it, then they switch lies,

Rinse, repeat at least 5 times,

Trump won't be "transparent" about Trump/Russia,

Because they are trying to hide treason.

War News Updates Editor said...

Ideally it would be best to have translators from both sides .... but sometimes because of what is happening at these events that does not happen. President Obama and Susan Rice were dependent on Putin's translator at the 2015 G20 summit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzIHXYhdDvg There is also a time that I recall where President Obama was alone with Medvedev and his translator. And then there is that famous "I can be flexible after the election open mike discussion". But as I said .... this is no big deal. These venues promote and push these type of discussions .... and these leaders take advantage of it.

Jay Farquharson said...

If it's no big deal, why is the Trump default to hide, comceal, deny, then lie?

War News Updates Editor said...

Why do governments try to hide, conceal, deny, then lie .... I can spend the rest of my life trying to explain why governments behave like idiots .... but basically it comes down to them not caring about you or me.

My reason for this post is to explain to the readers that from my experience these summits/conferences/assemblies are structured to make it possible for these one-to-one meetings and discussions between world leaders to happen .... and as private as possible. President Obama and Medvedev used these venues many times to have one-on-one discussions .... and I would like to believe that some good came out of them .... just as I hope some good came out from the last G20 summit.

RussInSoCal said...

Yes, the Obama-medvedev moment. Obamas 2012 surrender attempt to PutinSatan.


B.Poster said...


As a retired diplomat you would be in a position to know how these things actually work. In my case, as I do not "know" oftentimes the best course of action is to apply basic commonsense to the situation at hand. If these meetings/summits were not designed as you suggest, frankly they would be worse than useless and we would not have them.

While optimally we would want translators from both sides, time is limited and these things need to be done quickly. As such, there may not always be time to get such things arranged. Also, nothing is going to be done at these meetings that could not be undone later by either party, if necessary. To say otherwise would violate basic common sense. If DJT had requested the meeting with his translator and VVP did not have his, would VVP or his team not had the meeting, extremely unlikely. Again, nothing is going to be done here that can't be undone later by either party if necessary.

Perhaps VVP had his translator because he came prepared to negotiate. The Russians would STILL like a reasonably negotiated end to this mess in spite of complete and total American idiocy. DJT and his team seem the only sane ones which is a TERRIBLE reflection on the part of the US. Nothing sinister here just two leaders trying to negotiate an end to the impasse and if we succeed things would be better for EVERYONE.


Ordinarily you would be correct. Unfortunately the democrat party, much of the media, and a number of Republicans have gone pathologically insane. This often happens to people when confronted with reality and it doesn't jibe with their ideology. It's best to conform with reality. There are two basic problems. 1.)Russia is equal to the United States and in some ways superior. Treat them as an equal, respect them, and act accordingly. Good things have the potential to happen. This does NOT mean we do anything and everything they want. Failure to understand reality and act accordingly has the tendency to end badly. 2.)The Democrats lost the election, now they must make up excuses, and they must blame someone. As such, the Russians became and a handy scapegoat and in so doing undercut meticulous and painstaking negotiations all to meet their selfish needs and to h!ll with the interests of the country and its 300+ million citizens.


"PutinSatan?!!? I trust you are being sarcastic.