Saturday, July 8, 2017

Putin Points At Journalists And Asks Trump 'Are These The Ones Hurting You?'

The Independent: Putin points at journalists and asks Trump 'are these the ones hurting you?' during press conference

'These are the ones,' Mr Trump replies

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin kicked off their highly anticipated one-one-one meeting by trading disparaging comments about the reporters gathered to cover it.

At a photo op before their private G20 summit meeting, the Russian President leaned in to Mr Trump, gestured to the journalists in the room, and asked: "These are the ones hurting you?”

"These are the ones. You're right about that,” Mr Trump responded.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Cracking a joke about the press will always guarantee a laugh from President Trump (or from any other politician). But in Russia .... when the Russian President points a finger at you .... cough, cough .... time to think of moving to a safer place .... joke or no joke.


James said...

He does have a nasty sense of humor.

fred said...

fred said...
putin george i think i've got it

Anonymous said...

He made extra effort to not point at anyone specific. .but Putin has crazy loyal thugs who just to prove their loyalty might murder the top 1-2 journalists that trump hates the most, unless Putin made clear that's not his wish

TWN said...

"Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?" Henry II in reference to Thomas Becket, and some of his Knights did, now replace Henry with Vlad Or Donny and replace Becket with CNN or any journalist and the knights with CIA or KBG and you could have modern day play like "Murder in the Cathedral", by T.S. Eliot.

War News Updates Editor said...

You gave me my laugh today TWN. Thank you

Unknown said...

a) That time Putin brought his dog to a meeting to scare Angela Merkel

b) "Putin Points At Journalists And Asks Trump 'Are These The Ones Hurting You?' "\\

Putin is very clever.

fred said...

"He let them off the hook," Glenn Carle, a CIA veteran and former spy, said of Trump's reluctance to properly address Russia's meddling.

The president has drawn sharp scrutiny for his apparent unwillingness to forcefully push back against Russia's meddling, which experts say is tantamount to a casus belli — an act that justifies a war.

Unknown said...

If Trump let them off the hook, then Obama did too.

Obama did nothing because he assumed that Hillary would win. His statements show this fact.

I have not heard of any vote totals being changed by the Russians.

Now propaganda I have heard. The USSR /Russia has been doing propaganda from the git go.

Surprise: American Communist Party Was Tool of USSR

The American Communist Party was just one of their many tools. Many on the left were tools.

The NYT being fellow travelers or just dull witted have come to the sudden realization (sudden for them) that the American communist party was a Soviet Tool.

This is my shocked face.


fazman said...

Getting putin confused with cia?