Sunday, July 16, 2017

Russia-Gate: Speculation Vs. Evidence

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WNU editor: In my opinion .... Ramirez is too generous on the evidence.


RussInSoCal said...

Ramirez is the Jedi master.

Jay Farquharson said...


Mueller's the only one collecting "evidence" and he's not showing any cards,

As an example, the Kushner/Donald Trump Jr/Manifort Trump Campaign meeting with the Russian's over ratfucking the election,

Il Douch Jr's already told 5 different versions of what happened at the meeting, the two Russian Agent's on record, have told two other different versions of the meeting,

Jared's hasn't even updated his SF86 to add the meeting to the 100 newly listed meetings, going from 0 to 100 in 2 revisions,

Manifort's only talking to the FBI,

Russian agent and translator Anatoli Samovichi isn't talking,

Goldstone's not talking,

The representative of the Agalarov Family has not yet been identified,

and as all those involved, are known serial liars, for all we know there were 70 more people at the meeting as well, including Il Douche on skype or speaker phone,

Evidence on the other hand, is what Meuller has just started collecting.

RussInSoCal said...

According the balloonjuice dot com.

Farq troll gets right in there with th the anger and profanity.

Jay Farquharson said...


Anonymous said...

As Russian ex-diplomat and mole, you are absolutely right, there is no evidence :)

War News Updates Editor said...

Ramirez .... the editorial cartoonist .... is a Russian mole and spy?

I am not a lawyer .... but I do listen very carefully to lawyers. On Russia-Gate Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz has been consistent since the beginning on President Trump and colluding with the Russians .... "show me the evidence and the statue that covers it" .... and guess what .... no one has met his challenge.

This is what makes this case different from Watergate .... on Watergate there was ample evidence and there were statues that covered the crimes that were committed. On Russia-gate .... there are still looking for evidence that will cover a statue that they can bring to court. But while doing this .... absent anything else .... the character assassinations, accusations, and insults are being dumped on 24/7. The difference is that the main stream media have lost their monopoly on providing information to the public .... and it is their credibility that is taking a hit far more than the impact it is having on President Trump's credibility (as low as it is).

On Donald Jr. ... Alan Dershowitz's view is the following ....