Sunday, July 2, 2017

Russia Unveils A Combat Suit That Resembles Star Wars Outfits

RT: Russian military lab unveils prototype of Star Wars-like combat suit (VIDEO)

A major hi-tech Russian military research center has unveiled what appears to be a prototype of a next-generation combat suit. The stunning gear, resembling Star Wars outfits, will be worn by Russian soldiers on future battlefields.

The prototype features a helmet covering the soldier’s face and cutting-edge body armor.

The next-generation combat gear also includes a powered exoskeleton to help increase performance and stamina while fighting.

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More News On Russia Unveiling It's Combat Suit Of The Future

Stormtrooper 2017: Russia unveils its hi-tech motorised 'Star Wars' armour for soldiers complete with exoskeleton, night vision and helmet -- Daily Mail
Russia unveils ‘Star Wars’-like combat suit for future warfighters -- Washington Times
Russia reveals ‘Star Wars’ combat uniform -- The Nation
Russia Just Unveiled A High-Tech Combat Suit Straight Out Of ‘Star Wars’ -- Task & Purpose


Anonymous said...

Its missing something...

Anonymous said...

That's actually more of a Halo Suit. ..not star wars...n00bs^^

Hamilcar Barca said...
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Hamilcar Barca said...

Looks like one of the soldier from Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun !

Young Communist said...

Before or late we return to soldier in armor and melee weapons.
At least for urban warfare.

James said...

Formal evening dress is different in Russia.

jimbrown said...

Arrrgh. This RT exposure is too much. All 14 ft tall Russian soldiers have these suits. We're all going to die! Quick we need to throw some more money at this!

TWN said...

Everyone is trying to develop this kind of suit, Canada is working on a helmet similar to this with face shielding and eye protection.