Thursday, July 6, 2017

Russian Investigators Will Not Have Access To the DNC's Computers That Were Hacked

The headquarters of the Democratic National Committee is seen in Washington, U.S. June 14, 2016. REUTERS/Gary Cameron

Washington Times: Hacked computer server that handled DNC email remains out of reach of Russia investigators

It is perhaps the key piece of forensic evidence in Russia’s suspected efforts to sway the November presidential election, but federal investigators have yet to get their hands on the hacked computer server that handled email from the Democratic National Committee.

Indeed, the only cybersecurity specialists who have taken a look at the server are from CrowdStrike, the Irvine, California-based private cybersecurity company that the DNC hired to investigate the hack — but which has come under fire itself for its work.

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WNU Editor: This is one of those stories that never made sense to me. If your servers were compromised by Russia .... why the reluctance to have the specialists from the FBI/Justice department .... who at the time were being run by Democrats .... be denied access to your computers. Is it because they did now trust the FBI under James Comey .... or was it because of another reason .... specifically being afraid that the FBI may find other information/emails that if they become public would be terribly embarrassing to the Democrat Party. As it is now .... even if the Special Counsel of Robert Mueller does investigate .... because of the time duration and not securing the evidence ..... we will probably never know the true answer.

1 comment:

B.Poster said...

We Know the true answer. Russia did not hack the Democrat party server, Russia did not collude with team Trump, and Russia did not interfere in US elections. Allowing investigators access to these servers would exonerate the Russians and exonerate team Trump. As such, we simply cannot have that as the purpose of these investigations was never to get to the bottom or anything or to establish the truth. It's whole purpose was to destroy team Trump and vilify the Russians. Anything that does not fit that narrative is to be ignored and/or demonized.

"....we will probably never know the true answer." In the sense that the true answer is not what the elites want to hear/see, you are likely correct. This way the demonization of team Trump and the Russians can continue unabated. To know the truth would exonerate team Trump of pretty much anything and would exonerate the Russians from the baseless allegations that they interfered in the US presidential election. Unfortunately this lie/slander has been allowed to continue unabated for so long that people who should know better are beginning to echo this. As such, since the "true answer" undercuts this narrative, we can never be allowed to know the "true answer."

Even if the Russians did interfere in the US election, their interference is like a child's toy water gun compared with the ocean of interference in Russian affairs by the US government. Lets see, endless "color revolutions" being sponsored by the US in the nations surrounding Russia, various NGOs seeking to undermine and ultimately overthrow the Putin government, expansion of NATO to Russia's borders (very likely in violation of the negotiated agreements to end Cold War I and completely unnecessary and completely contrary to American interests), and the list goes on. Frankly, that blowaback thing can be a real b!tch.