Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Separatists In Ukraine Declare The Creation Of The New 'State' Of Malorossiya (Little Russia)

VOA: Pro-Russian Rebel Leader in Eastern Ukraine Unveils Plan for New State

KYIV/MOSCOW — The pro-Russian rebel leader of a breakaway region in eastern Ukraine proposed on Tuesday replacing Ukraine with a new federal state, in comments that could further undermine a 2015 peace deal that is already faltering.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko rejected the idea, describing Alexander Zakharchenko, leader of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DNR), as part of “a puppet show,” with Russia pulling his strings in order to relay a message.

France and Germany, which are involved in diplomatic efforts to end the Ukraine crisis, also condemned the proposal. However, the Kremlin said it warranted analysis, though it declined to discuss the matter or say if it knew beforehand of the plan.

Read more ....

WNU editor: Moscow is not amused .... Big Russia Quashes Hopes of Little Russia in Ukraine (Newsweek). More reaction from Moscow is here .... Donetsk Republic Leader's 'Malorossiya' Proposal His Own Initiative - Kremlin (Sputnik). What's my take .... I have more than once remarked that the people in this region are probably the most stubborn/hard-headed group of people that you will ever meet. This declaration of an independent state does not surprise me .... it is their way of giving a finger to everyone .... Moscow included. If I am surprised .... it is that it has taken them this long to make this declaration.

More News On Ukraine Separatists Declaring The Creation Of The New 'State' Of Malorossiya (Little Russia)

Little Russia: Ukraine separatists proclaim new state -- DW
Separatists in Ukraine declare creation of new 'state' Malorossiya -- The Telegraph
Pro-Russian Separatists Announce Proposal to Abolish Ukraine, Establish ‘Little Russia -- Washington Free Beacon
Eastern Ukraine separatists declare new state -- SCMP
Pro-Russia rebel leader unveils plan to abolish Ukraine -- Financial Times
New State of 'Little Russia' Declared in Ukraine as Russian-Backed Rebels Plot to Take Over the Whole Country -- Newsweek
Ukraine separatist 'Little Russia' sparks concern over peace deal -- DW
Ukraine Rebels Stun Allies, Anger Foes With New State Idea -- Bloomberg
Ukraine Separatists Criticized Over Call For Creation Of 'Little Russia' -- RFE


Anonymous said...

Is this a false flag / fake little Russia manoeuvre by the Kremlin? Stubbornness is one thing, madness another ..who in his right mind would lead a real effort like this and be caught between Nato and Russia and Ukraine?

Unknown said...

If they want their own state let them have it, as long as it is a majority view of the people in that area. Besides, there is no way that they can be reconciled to Ukraine now, too much blood has been shed. So the coup has led to the loss of Crimea and Little Russia.

Seems like it turned out well.... not!

B.Poster said...


I think you are right. They are never going to be reconciled to Ukraine. As I stated back when the coup first happened, for the US to support this let alone possibly organize it as some have suggested was the stupidest move in the history of civilization ever made by a major power.

Crimea is Russian. There is nothing that can be done to change this even if it were advisable and someone wanted to. DJT had suggested during the campaign that he might consider recognizing this. Candidate Trump was right. Of course common sense policies toward Russia today get one branded a traitor or whatever other insults they can come up with.