Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Should President Trump Invite North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-Un To The White House?

Kim Sengupta, The Independent: If Trump wants to avoid a missile crisis, he may have to invite Kim Jong-un to the White House

Pyongyang’s key aim has always been to have direct bilateral talks with the US, something that successive administrations in Washington have steadfastly refused

Five months ago Donald Trump tweeted that North Korea would never be allowed to possess a nuclear weapon capable of hitting the US. This morning, Pyongyang launched what it claimed was its first ever intercontinental ballistic missile. The state TV channel declared that Kim Jong-un now ruled over “a strong nuclear armed state with a very powerful ICBM which can strike anywhere in the world”.

Taking away the customary hyperbole, what we saw, say international analysts, was a missile reaching an altitude of 1,741 miles and flying 580 miles before crashing into the sea. This would have reached Alaska, but no other part of the continental US. It could, however, also hit American military bases and forces in a wide arc in the Pacific.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: A Trump-Jong Un summit?!?!?! That boat sailed out a long time ago .... especially in view of what happened to Otto Warmbier.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, expect that invitation to be attached to a tomahawk...

TWN said...

An opportunity to put some Polonium in his food and bye bye Kimmy Pooh, I'm sure the CIA has some.

Unknown said...

Maybe it will wake Kim Jong Un up or maybe he will see the vastness and richness and increase his demands for tribute.

fazman said...

Invite him, then incarcerate him.

Unknown said...


I would really like to see him incarcerated.

See the novel "Courtship Rite" about breaking rules. The author had a point in the book about a strategy game. It was allowable to break the rules, but if you broke them too often, you lost the game.

We can dissuade or persuade him to do certain things.

Barring that we could nudge him, where it makes it easier a few months after his visit to have a coup.

At any rate we need to get rid of him.

North Koreas is the dog and China is the hunter. We are the game.

The problem is China.

Unknown said...

Mr Smith has the thread. There isn't much to fear really with all the middle defenses there. More to worry about artillary stokes in South Korea. We don't need another war. Not now. Everybody has too much to lose. Can the UN vote to exterminate Kim?

Anonymous said...

He might invite him and after dinner tell him he just nuked part of his country. Classic Trump.