Saturday, July 8, 2017

The G-20 Ends With Concerns On The Future


Washington Post: Trump leaves leaders fearing the future as G-20 summit closes

HAMBURG — President Trump and other world leaders on Saturday emerged from two days of talks unable to resolve key differences on core issues like climate change and globalization, fueling worries that global summits may be ineffective in the Trump era.

The divisions at the G-20 summit were most bitter on climate change, where 19 leaders formed a unified front against Trump. But even in areas of nominal compromise like trade, top European leaders said they have little faith that an agreement forged today could hold tomorrow.

“Our world has never been so divided,” French President Emmanuel Macron said as the talks broke up. “Centripetal forces have never been so powerful. Our common goods have never been so threatened.”

Read more ....

WNU editor: The 800lb gorilla in the room was US President Trump and where he wants the U.S. to be in this world .... aside from that .... nothing else will be remembered in the future on what happened at this G20 meeting.


B.Poster said...

Now how exactly would Donald Trump leave these leaders "fearing the future?' Little ole Donald Trump leads the USA. The USA who makes up less than 4% of the world's population, possesses a hollowed out industrial base leaving it heavily dependent upon others for many of the things it needs to operate effectively, has a crumbling infrastructure, a worn down military meaning that even basic national defense is problematic, and this barely scratches surface of the problems the USA faces. Such a leader and the country he leads cannot possibly leave any of these leaders "fearing the future."

The things that they should fear are the growth and expansion of radical Islam, burgeoning national debts, over regulation of the economy, and unfettered immigration without proper vetting. It's long past time for some people to rearrange their priorities.

As for Mr. Macron's statement about centripetal forces, perhaps the problem stems from trying to bring things together that do not fit together and cannot be brought together. Instead of doubling down on failed policies that cannot work a new course is needed. Another thing that should leave these people "fearing the future" is globalism and the untold damage it is doing to our countries and our people, especially the damage it is doing to America and the so called "west."

Another problem is the concept of the "west." Each of the countries are unique countries with unique needs, cultures, and interests. To this end, each of the countries need to chart courses that make sense for their interests and are tailored to their unique situations. To try and lump them together into some monolithic entity will not work and will only end badly. When one sets courses of actions based upon an incorrect analysis of the information at hand which usually results from incorrect assumptions, it usually ends quite badly.

As for this not being remember, I hope this proves incorrect. As I understand it Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin had a relatively productive meeting. If this can be remembered as the catalyst for future meetings and negotiations that can ultimately lead to an end to Cold War 2, this would be an amazing legacy!! I suppose certain idiots and unscrupulous elements "fear for the future" should a negotiated end to Cold War 2 be achieved.

As in the negotiated end to Cold war 1, the rhetoric leading up to the negotiations became quite heated as it is now. When it came to negotiate the parties were respectful to each other. Hopefully history can repeat itself here.

Unknown said...

Hmmm...I think I may have figured something out....

Could your name by any chance just as well have been..."V.Poster"?

As in 'Vladimir?'

Unknown said...

Hope you know I'm just kidding.

Unknown said...

I find your viewpoint straightforward, although I have to take most of what you're saying regarding the great powers' relative military dispositions as--at times--perhaps inflated in one way or the other, or perhaps even overly alarmed.
But then again I've probably taken too much comfort in Mao's reported fear of rural American marksmanship, even as the decades see these skills dwindle and dwindle.