Saturday, July 8, 2017

The Islamic State Does Not Follow The Rules Of War

An Iraqi woman carrying an infant flees from the Old City of Mosul on July 5, 2017, during the Iraqi government forces' offensive to retake the city from ISIS fighters. Ahmad Al-Rubaye/AFP 

Micah Halpern, Observer: Rules of War? ISIS Doesn’t Care.

The first rule of war—avoiding civilian casualties—is the terror group’s primary attack strategy.

General Sherman famously proclaimed, “War is hell!” as Atlanta burned to the ground during the Civil War. Imagine what he would have said had he met ISIS fighters, who take war to a new low.

ISIS does not subscribe to the fundamental rules of war. When ISIS fights, they entirely discard morality.

As the battle over Mosul draws to an end, it is increasingly clear that ISIS has fallen. The last ISIS fighters desperately cling to the capital of their caliphate. But suspicions among the Iraqi military have risen: Are the people still fighting for ISIS’ cause in Mosul ISIS fighters? Likely not. Are they trained ISIS fighters? Again, likely not.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The same can be said about Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, Boko Haram, The Taliban, etc. ....


Unknown said...

There need to be 2 sets of the Rules of War.

The 1st set is to be used, when your opponent also follows them

The 2nd set is to be used, when they do not.

The Rules of War as they stand now are a Western conceit.

Fear of Reciprocal Retaliation is needed.

There was a case where Luftwaffe officer stood up to Gestapo to spring some Allied Airmen in a concentration camp. One of the arguments the Luftwaffe officer used was that old Allied Airmen were not well treated, then German airmen would not be well treated.

"Lamason understood that the Luftwaffe would be sympathetic to their predicament, as they would not want their captured men treated in the same way"

Bob Huntley said...

Yes if we torture yours you can torture ours.

Unknown said...

Buckley was not tortured? He is just one example form way back.

The Russian also got hit around the same time Buckley was. The Russians retaliated. As WNU pointed out, no more kidnappings. You can compare and contrast that. Maybe.

I am not sorry. You can talk about rendition all you want. AL QAEDA was out there in civilian clothes the whole time TORTURING PEOPLE.

Al Qaeda trained 20,000 people, while Clinton was d___ing around getting Lewinskis and using interns as humidors. About all you have going for you is herd immunity and various armies culling the ranks of these jihadis.

“The purpose of providing this information was to help plan a bomb attack of the Long Island Rail Road system.”

War News Updates Editor said...

The Russians convinced everyone at the time that if you kidnap our diplomats .... expect hell visiting your families and their neighbours. The sad thing is that it worked, and no Russian diplomat has been kidnapped and killed like that since.

B.Poster said...

You mean there are rules of war? Who knew?

Unknown said...

"You mean there are rules of war? Who knew?" - B. Poster

News Flash. It is called the Geneva convention. They are about 153 years old. A. Poster would have known this. How did you get his job anyway?

About everyone the U.S. fights does not follow them. The Germans followed them mostly, when fighting western armies. They did not follow the 1st convention, when fighting the Russians.

If you watch Ken Burns 2nd World War documentary the Americans committed a massacre of 25 people and there was no prosecution. That was not a one-off.

Since WW2 things have gone steadily downhill. So my question/statement about needing 2 rule sets is valid.