Friday, July 7, 2017

The New Face Of The Progressive Movement In The U.S.?

Jerusalem Post: Linda Sarsour calls for 'jihad' against American government

"Do not criticize me when I say that we as a Muslim community in these United States of America have to be perpetually outraged."

In a largely self-congratulatory speech to the Annual Islamic Society of North American (ISNA) this past weekend, Palestinian-American activist Linda Sarsour called for the "best form" of jihad against the current American administration.

"A word of truth in front of a tyrant ruler or leader, that is the best form of jihad," Sarsour declared. "And I hope that we, when we stand up to those who oppress our communities, that Allah accepts from us that as a form of jihad. That we are struggling against tyrants and rulers, not only abroad in the Middle East or on the other side of the world, but here, in these United States of America, where you have fascists, and white supremacists, and Islamophobes reigning in the White House."

Read more ....

Update #1: Women's March Organizer Linda Sarsour Says Standing Up To Trump Is a 'Jihad' (Newsweek)
Update #2: Muslim activist Linda Sarsour's reference to 'jihad' draws conservative wrath (Washington Post)

WNU Editor: Trying to relate herself to Martin Luther King is a bit too much .... but this is one of the many faces that now make up what the progressive movement has become in the U.S.. I say give her as much publicity as she wants .... and let us see how far her hate, intolerance, and bigotry can go. Her full speech is here.


Anonymous said...

she would probobly kill a man like Martin Luther King given a chance, because of his christian beliefs.

MaoTin said...

I would prefer her to debate with people like Ben Shapiro, Milo Yiannopoulos, Tucker Carlson, Katie Hopkins etc. Western values vs Islam.

TWN said...

With a Loony like her the so called progressives are really hitting the bottom of the barrel.

jimbrown said...

Isn't that a line from Team America?

D.Plowman said...

"and let us see how far her hate, intolerance, and bigotry can go."

I don't know WNU... Trump got pretty far!


Anonymous said...

I'd take the Kurdish sniper girl over her any day. One who puts her money where her mouth is and puts her life on the line against ISIS...something the vast majority of muslims won't do even to save their own country!

Anonymous said...

This is what Jay looks like when he doesn't get his snickers bar :)

fred said...

she is hardly the voice of progressives --i recall a guy called Bernie...just a fun way for right of center to be cute. And, too, when will Anon cowards call names and use their real names? hiding behind Anon is truly sissy thing to do. and, final note: ref to Tucker, my cat, at 19, could debate that moron.

War News Updates Editor said...

Fred. No one is saying that she is the voice of progressives. But she has certainly become one of the many voices for the progressive movement. The coverage that she is receiving in the main stream media and on progressive blogs and websites (yes .... I do read Mother Jones, Daily Kos, and others) is enormous.

fred said...

"The New Face Of The Progressive Movement In The U.S.? "

Bannon the new face of the conservative movement in the U.S.?

Chase jones said...

Huh pro Christian patriot vs pro sharia feminist? Lol must be a tough choice haha

Anonymous said...

Evergreen College is a better representation of "The new face of the Progressive movement in the US"...

War News Updates Editor said...

Fred. That is why I put a question mark. Everyone can make their own judgement.

Unknown said...

"She is hardly the voice of progressives"

But she is.

Keith Ellison will buddy up to her.

Bernie was shuffled off to the sidelines.

The Democrat Party elite will give him a pink slip within 6 years.

Bernie will flit about like mayfly for a bit. They will allow him to spend some money, but that us about it.

After next presidential election Bernie will be gone.

Anonymous said...

Fun thing that Bernie was as corrupt as Killary ha ha. It seems though he did his dirty business through his old lady.

Unknown said...

Bernie's wife tossed aside some developmentally disabled adults in a group home.

We know who voted for Bernie here.

D.Plowman said...

Least they can all play boardgames now together, as a group...