Monday, July 3, 2017

The World Is Questioning President's Trump's Leadership

PEW Research: U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around World Question Trump’s Leadership

America still wins praise for its people, culture and civil liberties

Although he has only been in office a few months, Donald Trump’s presidency has had a major impact on how the world sees the United States. Trump and many of his key policies are broadly unpopular around the globe, and ratings for the U.S. have declined steeply in many nations. According to a new Pew Research Center survey spanning 37 nations, a median of just 22% has confidence in Trump to do the right thing when it comes to international affairs. This stands in contrast to the final years of Barack Obama’s presidency, when a median of 64% expressed confidence in Trump’s predecessor to direct America’s role in the world.

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Update: The World Is Questioning Trump's Leadership (Zero Hedge)

WNU Editor: When President Trump publicly stated that he was going to pursue a policy of "American first" .... especially on trade where many countries are dependent on the U.S. market for selling their goods .... the reaction was not going to be positive. South Korea, Canada, Mexico, Germany, Japan, etc. .... all of these countries enjoy enormous trade surpluses with the U.S. .... and they are now feeling threatened. I expect these numbers will only get worse (if that is even possible) once President Trump starts implementing tariffs and duties on many of these nations. As for the figures from Russia and Israel .... no surprises there. Russians blame President Obama for sanctions and the start of a Second Cold War, and many Israelis did not accept President Obama's rational on why he pursued a nuclear deal with Iran.


TWN said...

I don't have high expectations of Trump, I see him as a different side of the same coin, like I see Harper and Trudeau they the same when it comes to Taxing me etc. What I really like about Trump is how he makes everyone crazy, Neo-Cons,liberturds, progressives/marxists and the vile Do-Gooders go absolutely nuts when Trump is mentioned, best entertainment on the planet. If I was an American I would have voted for him just for that, I never would expect, whoever got elected to actually do anything for anyone but the Rich.

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fred said...

Why. He is not thank god my father

Unknown said...

I think we are at a cross roads in American society. On the left road you can venture down to more half truth, cover ups, and business as usual. The right fork takes us to a glimpse of how Crooked, inbred, and distorted our country really has become. I always wanted to see a guy in the White House who could do his job without fear of caving in to the special interests so much. We may, unfortunately , only see a glimpse because I really think the horror of reality is too much for people.

Unknown said...

The world has a short memory and is easily deceived by Media Bling.

1) Remember Libya?
2) Syrian Redline?
3) Pulling out of Iraq (after negotiating faithlessly)?
4) Ben Ghazi
5) Running Guns into Mexico (Fast & Furious)?
6) Doing nothing on North Korea?

The list is long said...

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