Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Turkey Reveals America's Secret Bases And Military Locations In Syria

Roy Gutman, Daily Beast: Turkey Leaks Secret Locations of U.S. Troops in Syria

Ankara has long been angered by the alliance between Washington and Kurdish factions. But a new report exposing secret American bases is a dangerous way to strike back.

ISTANBUL—In the latest display of Turkish anger at U.S. policy in Syria, the state news agency has divulged the locations of 10 U.S. military bases and outposts in northern Syria where the U.S. is leading an operation to destroy the so-called Islamic State in its self-styled capital of Raqqa.

The list published by the Anadolu news agency points to a U.S. presence from one end to the other of the Kurdish self-administration region—a distance of more than 200 miles. The Anadolu news agency even listed the number of U.S. troops in several locations and in two instances stipulated the presence of French special forces.

Turkey has openly criticized the Trump administration—and the Obama administration before it—for relying in the battle against ISIS on a militia led by Kurds affiliated with the Kurdistan Workers Party or PKK. A separatist movement now at war with Turkey, the PKK has been listed by the U.S., EU, and Turkey as a terror organization.

Read more ....

Previous Post: There Are Seven U.S. Bases In Syria’s Kurdish Zones (July 6, 2017)

WNU Editor: Turkey is playing a very dangerous game by doing this. It is one thing for Turkish President Erdogan to flip the finger at Russia, its neighbours, or the EU .... it is an entirely different ball-game when you are doing it to the U.S..


Anonymous said...

Especially if he pisses of secret services. ..given that there might be involvement in those secret bases
But then again, when has the CIA even allegedly last killed a head of state? It's not the spy crime novels of yesterday... I expect some half hearted hacking /leaking/making it difficult to do business etc response

kidd said...

Like I said the will of God or your nothing ...heater shelter in Syria indeed.

kidd said...

We fight spiritual

jimbrown said...

Turkey looks to be on target to win the sick man of Europe award again.

Unknown said...

Turkey is more open about it than Pakistan.

Unknown said...

Guess Turkey isn't happy that the US is working with and strengthening the Kurds right on their border.
Turkey is on the brink of purposely ejecting itself from NATO and becoming overrun by extremists. They are opening the gates of Chaos.