Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Tweets For Today

1 comment:

B.Poster said...

The performance of the US markets since the election has been an interesting phenomenon. Obviously DJT has been unable to get the "big ticket" items such as health care reform, tax cuts, or a negotiated end to Cold War 2 accomplished. The markets rose largely in anticipation that these things would be accomplished.

While he has not been able to accomplish these things as of yet and this is disappointing to many, he and his team have been able to rack up some little victories such as some regulatory reforms that have been a boost to the economy. Much of this has been under the radar and not reported on by the media, however, wall street tycoons and the people who influence the market are well aware of these things. Hence the US stock markets continue to do well. With that said, health care reform, tax cuts, regulatory reform, and ending Cold War 2 are still expected and are still being factored into the market that these things will be achieved. If they are not, the markets will eventually act accordingly.