Thursday, July 13, 2017

Unrest In Venezuela -- News Updates July 12, 2017

Miami Herald: Slingshots vs. shotguns: Venezuela’s ‘youth resistance’ takes on the government

Venezuela’s ongoing street protests are increasingly looking like outright warfare. As security forces shoot rubber bullets, tear-gas canisters and sometimes live rounds at the churning crowds, increasingly restive mobs are responding with lethal slingshots, homemade mortars and Molotov cocktails.

This week, seven National Guard members were injured in Caracas when a roadside bomb exploded as they drove by on motorcycles.

Leading the opposition shock-troops are loose-knit groups of young men and women that have names like The Templars, The Warriors and The Arcadias. Collectively, they’re known as the Chamos de la Resistencia or, roughly, the Youth Resistance.

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WNU Editor: As the government ramps up the use of deadly force, I am expecting more of this .... National Guard patrol hits roadside bomb in Venezuelan capital (GRAPHIC VIDEO, PHOTOS) (RT)

Unrest In Venezuela -- News Updates July 12, 2017

As Venezuelans die on the streets, U.N. Human Rights Council remains mum -- Miami Herald
Venezuela: Luisa Ortega, Once Loyal Prosecutor Is Now Hero to Opposition -- NBC/AP
Venezuela: opposition ramps up pressure -- Euronews
Venezuelan opposition leader tortured for days, wife says -- UPI
Venezuela’s Golden Boy Is Out of Jail. That May Be a Problem -- Bloomberg
Peace offering from Maduro comes amid plans to rewrite Venezuela's constitution -- CBC
Bishops claim Venezuela is heading for dictatorship -- Catholic Herald
Venezuela enters key week in battle on charter rewrite -- Gulf Times/AFP
Maduro and Putin Talk Cooperation via Telephone -- Venezuelanalysis
Miguel Cabrera pleads for family's safety as violence grows in Venezuela -- FOX News
Miguel Cabrera blasts Venezuela: 'I'm tired of paying money' to protect my mom -- Detroit Free Press
How Venezuela’s Economy Collapsed -- Henkel Garcia U On, The Wire

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