Wednesday, July 26, 2017

U.S. Cities Planning And Preparing For A North Korean Nuclear Attack

L.A. Times: Duck and cover 2.0: How North Korea is prompting new efforts to prepare for a nuclear attack

Fleets of big black trucks, harbor boats and aircraft, equipped with radiation sensors and operated by specially trained law enforcement teams, are ready to swing into action in Los Angeles for a catastrophe that nobody even wants to think about: a North Korean nuclear attack.

American cities have long prepared for a terrorist attack, even one involving nuclear weapons or a “dirty bomb,” but North Korea’s long-range missile and weapons programs have now heightened concerns along the West Coast over increasing vulnerability to a strike.

“We monitor events all over the world and assess whether there is something that could impact us here,” said Capt. Leonard McCray, commander of the emergency operations bureau at the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. “North Korea is clearly one of them.”

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More News On The U.S. - North Korean Crisis

North Korea promises nuclear strike on US if regime is threatened -- CNN
North Korea could cross ICBM threshold next year, U.S. officials warn in new assessment -- Washington Post
North Korea Is Closer to Building a Nuclear-Capable ICBM Than We Thought -- VICE
Could North Korea have intercontinental nuclear missiles next year? -- John Bacon, USA TODAY
Armed Services chairman 'increasingly alarmed' at North Korea -- The Hill
War between US and North Korea is 'not unimaginable', says chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff -- The Independent
US ambassador reports progress on new North Korea sanctions -- AP
Hawaii just released a guide for how to survive a nuclear attack amid high tensions with North Korea -- Business Insider
Hawaii to test nuclear warning system amid North Korea's threats -- CNN


TWN said...

I wouldn't worry too much about those missiles reaching NA they will be taken out easily enough , I would be much more concerned if they target Souths Korea's and Japans Nuclear Power Plants a much more doable and realistic target if hit with multiple missiles which the NK has a lot of, in that range.

Anonymous said... clearly haven't read one of the posts here last week regarding the likelihood range of successful missile interception of even just a couple missiles..let me put it this way...if you live in any of the affected areas, you will not like those chances. Of more than a handful of missiles are launched, you can expect at least one to go through. And in just a few months - for all we know and have seen so far - North Korea might be able to do exactly that.
A hit on SF by this rather crude looking attacker, North Korea, will change the world order immediately and quasi permanently into China's favour. Think about that.