Sunday, July 2, 2017

U.S. Media 'Freaks-Out' Over The Latest Tweet From President Trump

Daily Caller: Media Horrified After Trump Tweets Video Body-Slamming CNN

Journalists reacted in horror Sunday morning after President Trump tweeted a fake video that showed him body-slamming “fraud news” CNN in a fake wrestling match.

While many of the president’s supporters online reacted to the video with humor, the consensus among journalists seemed to be that Trump was inciting violence against the media.

“It is a sad day when the President of the United States encourages violence against reporters,” CNN said in a statement responding to the tweet.

ABC News’ chief political analyst Matthew Dowd claimed Trump is “advocating violence against media” and demanded Republican leaders “put country over party” in response to the fake video of fake wrestling.

“Around the world, journalists are murdered with impunity on a regular basis,” Poynter managing editor Ben Mullin gravely stated. “This isn’t funny.”

CNN commentator Ana Navarro called the tweet “an incitement to violence” in an appearance on ABC News. “He is going to get somebody killed in the media,” she claimed.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The opponents of President Trump will see this as a threat .... his supporters will see it as anything but that. What's my take .... what a change from a few weeks ago when many in the media who are upset with today's tweet chose to downplay or ignore .... a Trump assassination play in New York City or Kathy Griffin holding "Donald Trump's head" .... and instead chose to continue the narrative that President Trump is a threat to American democracy and its way of life .... Is Donald Trump a Threat to Democracy? (NYT) and Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy (Washington Post). This type of coverage may have boosted the ratings for some in the main stream .... but they have blown their credibility. In the past few months I have noticed this change where many in the public are now openly sceptical and distrustful of what the media is reporting .... but instead of reflection .... the media is responding by doubling down in their coverage and criticism. But by doubling down .... and in some cases almost shrill in their condemnation of the President .... the media is only further putting the spotlight on their own prejudices and biases .... resulting in another Trump Tweet that puts them over the edge that repeats the cycle again but at a higher level. But we are now entering a very dangerous area. While the media today is now up in arms over their safety .... the person who should really be worried is President Trump. There are many people like Alexandria shooter James Hodgkinson who specifically targeted Conservative Republicans because (in the opinion of many) he was influenced by his political and media idols who were also critics of President Trump. It is not a stretch to imagine that today's current media meltdown is only going to embolden more nutcases like James Hodgkinson who see someone like President Trump as illegitimate, a Hitler, or worse ....  and will feel justified to do what is necessary to take him out. Now is the time for everyone to cool it .... unfortunately .... I do not see anyone toning down their rhetoric .... I see the opposite .... it is going to get worse.

More News On The U.S. Media 'Freaking-Out' Over The Latest Tweet From President Trump

Trump appears to promote violence against CNN with tweet -- Washington Post
Trump tweets video of him attacking CNN logo -- ABC News
Ana Navarro: Trump is going to 'get somebody killed in the media' -- The Hill
Trump tweets video of him wrestling down CNN -- FOX news
Trump tweets fake video of him attacking CNN -- Politico
Donald Trump posts video clip of him 'beating' CNN in wrestling -- BBC
Trump Tweets Mock Video of Himself Tackling, Punching CNN Logo -- US News and World Report/Reuters
Trump "Attacks" 'Fake News' CNN in Twitter Post, Sparks Social Media Storm -- Sputnik
Trump Aide Says CNN Tweet Wasn't Threat Against Journalists -- Bloomberg


Anonymous said...

Indeed, Trump is the real victim. He is a man of keen intellect, generous heart and has a tolerant world view. If only reporters would stop asking questions of the administration. Allow this brilliant, enlightened soul to lead America into a new golden age. What could possibly go wrong?

Anonymous said...

Indeed, Obama is the real victim. He is a man of keen intellect, generous heart and has a tolerant world view. If only reporters would stop asking questions of the administration. Allow this brilliant, enlightened soul to lead America into a new golden age. What could possibly go wrong?


Unknown said...

The Liberal Media:Every Poll Shows Journalists Are More Liberal than the American Public — And the Public Knows It

Since sometime in the early to mid 1990s, many pundits on the right have pointed out how liberal so called reporters are.

In the early 1990s for example, we had NBC settle with GM over their mis-reporting & malfeasance.

NBC Admits It Rigged Crash, Settles GM Suit

We had Dan Rather get fired finally, when his partisanship went over the top. Personally, I think the elder Bush got GWB the job. I have nothing to go own except what I have seen done. But George H. W Bush could only do so much. If that unit would have been called up GWB would have went. Also remember flying especially fighter jets is inherently dangerous.

Leave it Democrats to disparage GWB flying like the did George H.W. Bush's service. Maybe it was Mary McGrory who wrote the hit piece on the elder Bush. the stink was that Bush was such a bad pilot he got shot down by anti-aircraft fire. You know he was really incompetent.

If you want to see what shit piece that was read Flyboys: A True Story of Courage. If Iwo Jima was, then Chichi Jima was also bad.

So Dan Rather who we use to admire during the early days of 60 minutes turned out to be ____. After he was fired he did what he usually did and ran around in Democrat political circles.

Oh and the liberal media gave him an award!

We also found out what a ___ Walter Cronkhite was too.

The media has only gotten worse in the 2000.

So has the liberals. They want the Fairness Act or Net neutrality to silence their political opponents and they have tried hard.


You think we have sympathy for Mika?

Would the bottle blonde, facelifted Miss Brzezinski have gotten her job, if her father had not been Zbigniew?

Maybe. It is really hard to tell. But if there has ever been 'privilege' I would
suspect it there. So there is that class factor working against her.

Unknown said...

as this editorial in the New York Times so proudly proclaims:

"Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, has had a rough couple of weeks. Yet, however many setbacks he might suffer over health care reform or other parts of the Republican agenda, he knows he has already won the biggest fight of all: the theft of a Supreme Court seat from President Obama,"

"the president proposes, the senate disposes"

The Grey Lady is the preeminent newspaper in the U.S. The Washington Post comes in 2nd. I do not know how the LA Times, Boston Globe, Atlanta Journal & constitution and Chicago Tribune rank in relation to each other, but they are in the top 10.

So people talk about tone and the very tippy top pf news media (really only liberal news media) cannot keep a civil tone.

Unknown said...

CNBC Editor-in-Chief: Viewers Not as "Stupid As We Think They Are"

The tone is bad?

I wonder why.

Anonymous said...

Pray for Pres. Trump in his time of struggle. He and Mitch may yet win the day in killing thousands of their fellow 'muricans so that they can get a modest upper-class tax cut. Someone must suffer the slings and arrows. His name is Trump.

Unknown said...

Well I don't know how it is Day to day for Canadians but in America we watch so much tv that we have become experts on reading between the lines. Those who attempt to fool us will get fooled themselves and I love to see it happening finally.
During Vietnam the soldiers, especially Navy Seals, disliked the media for their two faced field reporting. It started to hurt our country and the sixties movement became the training manual for many newer anti American groups. Trump said we are all simpletons and for a large part I agree. But not all.

Jac said...

Media are in an " unknown territory" and they have random reactions.