Sunday, July 2, 2017

U.S. Navy Warship Sails Near Disputed Island In The South China Sea

FOX News: EXCLUSIVE: Pentagon sails destroyer near disputed island in South China Sea, officials say

For the second time since President Trump took office, the Pentagon dispatched a U.S. Navy warship to sail near a disputed island claimed by China in the South China Sea, two U.S. defense officials told Fox News.

The USS Stethem, a guided-missile destroyer based in Japan, sailed within 12 nautical miles of Triton Island, which is part of the Paracel Islands located in the South China Sea between China and Vietnam.

The destroyer was trailed by a Chinese warship during its Sunday voyage.

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More News On A U.S. Navy Warship Sailing Near A Disputed Island In The South China Sea

US destroyer sails close to disputed island in the South China Sea -- CNN
US warship sails close to S. China Sea island occupied by Beijing -- AFP
U.S. Navy Patrols Near Disputed Island in South China Sea -- WSJ
USS Stethem Conducts Freedom of Navigation Operation Past Triton Island in South China Sea -- USNI News
Navy destroyer sails near island claimed by China, Vietnam, Taiwan -- The Hill


Unknown said...

The Fox News graphic is in error. It is sloppy.

If the 9 Dash line went up to the coast of Vietnam that would be justification for war.

As it is the Chinese 9 Dash line practically goes up to the coast of the Palawan, because they are weaker than China. Complete and utter B.S.

In the long term China would be better off following the example of Singapore. they should have good relations with Phillipines. Until now china has had no problematic history with the Phillipines unlike the U.S.

"Sangleys—Filipinos with at least some Chinese ancestry—comprise 18-27% of the Philippine population"

There are many blood ties between the Phillipines and the U.S. and the U.S. has done a lot of good, but the 1st decade of the relationship was not good. Still I think Chinese blood ties are deeper and in the long run could do China more good in the long run.

The Chinese oligarchy is being fucking pig headed.

If they really want a string of Pearls and 3 defense lines, then secure bases in The Phillipines make excellent forward deployed 'aircraft carriers'.

You do not get that by fucking over the Phillipine people for a few percentage (or less) points over 1 or 2 decades. If the Chinese need oil off the west coast of Palawan so bad (without giving the Phillipines a cut), then they are no better run than Venezuela or Saudi Arabia.

Jac said...

The "nine dash line is just "a justification" for taking power on South China Sea. It was already said in 1945.
That's China law overcoming on internationals' one. We have a big choice: either we let it go or stopping it. If we let it go there are a lot of case in the world which can be follow this one and that a barrel of powder for the future. We have to stop it if we want to avoid this infernal machine.
The problem is: that's always on the American shoulders' to do it.

Unknown said...

Vietnam has been known as the "Lesser Dragon", which implies that China is the "Greater Dragon".

It would appear that China would win in a fight with Vietnam. I expect so.

However Vietnam also mauled China in a big battle in 1979 with Russian help. using Russian satellite imagery and other things the Vietnam sprang a trap and created a cauldron.

If Vietnam had India, Japanese, Russian or American help, it might be China not Vietnam getting mauled.