Tuesday, July 18, 2017

U.S. Re-Certifies Iran Nuclear Deal

New York Times: Trump Recertifies Iran Nuclear Deal, but Only Reluctantly

WASHINGTON — President Trump agreed on Monday to certify again that Iran is complying with an international nuclear agreement that he has strongly criticized, but only after hours of arguing with his top national security advisers, briefly upending a planned announcement as a legal deadline loomed.

Mr. Trump has repeatedly condemned the deal brokered by President Barack Obama as a dangerous capitulation to Iran, but six months into his presidency he has not abandoned it. The decision on Monday was the second time his administration certified Iran’s compliance, and aides said a frustrated Mr. Trump had told his security team that he would not keep doing so indefinitely.

Administration officials announced the certification on Monday evening while emphasizing that they intended to toughen enforcement of the deal, apply new sanctions on Iran for its support of terrorism and other destabilizing activities, and negotiate with European partners to craft a broader strategy to increase pressure on Tehran. Aides said Mr. Trump had insisted on such actions before agreeing to the consensus recommendation of his national security team.

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More News On U.S. Re-Certifying The Iran Nuclear Deal

US: Iran complying with nuclear deal but defying its spirit -- AP
Trump says Iran complying with nuclear deal but remains dangerous threat -- Reuters
State Dept.: Iran complying with nuclear deal but not 'spirit' of pact -- UPI
State Department Certifies Iran's Compliance With Nuclear Deal -- NPR
Trump administration: Iran complying with nuclear deal -- CNN


Unknown said...

If true, very disappointing

D.Plowman said...

Yep - Surprised the WNE has not made a comment on this...

War News Updates Editor said...

D. Plowman. One of my Golden Rules in life is that when I am not happy at all about something .... I let 24 hours pass before commenting on it. This has saved me numerous times in the past in my personal relationships and friendships by not saying something that I know I will truly regret in the future. I do the same with this blog .... when I am not happy about something, I let a day or two to pass before commenting.

James said...

I wish I followed that rule. Considering Trump's way of doing things I'm willing to wait and see. But DJT is burning up his "wait and see capital" if nothing happens. Especially with the healthcare debacle just happening, his supporters can't be too thrilled.

Andrew Jackson said...

Trump is a prog.Progs always drag out conflicts then lose.