Thursday, July 6, 2017

U.S. Senate Report: Intelligence Leaks Are Hurting National Security

FOX News: Senate report: 'Avalanche' of media leaks hurting national security

The Trump administration is facing an "alarming" and "unprecedented" cascade of media leaks that pose a potential danger to national security, according to a Senate report released Thursday.

The Republican-authored report, which estimated the administration has dealt with roughly one leak per day, was sent to Attorney General Jeff Sessions. The authors urged law enforcement officials to step up their investigation of leaks exposing potentially sensitive information.

“To ensure the security of our country’s most sensitive information, federal law enforcement officials ought to thoroughly investigate leaks of potentially sensitive information flowing at an alarming rate,” the report's executive summary said. It was compiled by Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Ron Johnson, R-Wis., along with the committee’s majority staff.

Read more ....

Update #1: Senate Republicans say Trump fighting an 'avalanche' of leaks (Washington Examiner)
Update #2: Senate panel alarmed by frequency of White House leaks (NYPost)

WNU Editor: The full US Senate report on intelligence leaks is here .... State Secrets: How An Avalanche Of Media Leaks Is Harming National Security.


opit said...

Does anyone have an idea of what constitutes 'national security' in these days of Trump Twittermania ?

Anonymous said...

No kidding, but I guess the patriotic feelings in the US are getting as weak as here in Sweden. It is one sidé effect with this massive immigration.

You cease to care about the people in your country, and you start caring only about yourself, your family and friend. Much like in Afghanistan and Somalia. You get more of a clan thinking even here in the west.

Unknown said...

There certainly was no national security under Bill Clinton. Small things like missile tech.

He gave it to China.

Obama was just following a well worn road.

Jay Farquharson said...


Unknown said...

"Hackers have reportedly been breaking into computer networks of companies operating United States nuclear power stations, facilities and manufacturing plants, according to a new report by The New York Times." - The Hill

More Lag effect from President BamBam stirring up racial animosity instead of taking care of business

War News Updates Editor said...

This is how the media works. Hours before Putin and Trump to meet we learn ....

Hill/NYT: Hackers breaking into nuclear plants .... they hint it is Russia .... offer no evidence, but claim that their methods(the hackers) are like the Russian hacking group "Energetic Bear"?!?!?!

CNN: Anonymous sources are saying that Russian spies have stepped up their intelligence gathering.

CNN again: Clapper .... Russia preparing the groundwork for 2018

So the media narrative and message is clear .... Trump better stand up to Putin .... or else.

You know .... in the past the main stream media may have gotten away with this. But today .... a lot of Americans are no longer that dumb.

Hat Tip to ZH for the news links.

Jay Farquharson said...


Ted Rall points out that 36% or less of American's vote in Midterm's,

Another dreary job that the US should outsource to immigrants and illegals, as no "real 'Murkin's" appear to want it.


You've had your site hacked, malaare attacks,

So tell us who did it,

Not generic bs like "the Russian's", "the Chinese",

Name, address, phone number, IP Adress,


You can't, you have no clue what so ever, or even why.


"Russian " hackers use "Russian" exploits, networks, traps and tool's, doesn't mean they are "Russian", they could be Macedonian, Serbian, Bulgarian,

Ditto for "Chinese",

Anerican hacker's would have to learn Russian, and Russian coding, ditto to mimic the "Chinese",

The NORK's use a mix,

And of course, because of Israel and Wikileaks, everybody uses NSA tools and exploits.


21st Century dude, get with the times.


War News Updates Editor said...

You are not making sense.

Anonymous said...

Drinking binge ha ha