Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Vice Chairman Of The U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff: North Korea's Missiles Can Hit The U.S. But Without Accuracy

Reuters: North Korea lacks capacity to hit U.S. with accuracy: U.S. general

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - North Korea does not have the ability to strike the United States with "any degree of accuracy" and while its missiles have the range, they lack the necessary guidance capability, the vice chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff said on Tuesday.

Earlier this month North Korea said it had conducted its first test of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), and that it had mastered the technology to mount a nuclear warhead on the missile.

But General Paul Selva, speaking before the Senate Armed Services Committee, said the July 4th test stopped short of showing North Korea had "the capacity to strike the United States with any degree of accuracy or reasonable confidence of success."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: North Korea does not have to be accurate to strike the U.S.. Just one small 10 kiloton nuclear explosion from a North Korean missile on U.S. soil .... even if it happens in an uninhabited area .... will be such a shock to the U.S. psyche that the response and the aftermath would make 9/11 and its aftermath look like a small time event in comparison.

More News On Vice Chairman Of The U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff General Paul Selva's Remarks That North Korea's Missiles Can Hit The U.S. But Without Accuracy

US Military: North Korean Missiles Can Reach America, Lack Guidance -- NBC
General: North Korean missiles 'clearly' have range to reach US -- The Hill
North Korea 'clearly' has missiles that can reach US, general says -- ABC News
Can North Korea's Nuclear Missiles Hit The US? Senior Official Discusses Weapons' Reach -- International Business Times
Range yes, accuracy maybe: US Air Force general on North Korean missiles -- RT


fazman said...

Since when does a nuke need to be accurate if used against civillian target?
Sure they mighy not br able to target a military base but l doubt that theyd miss San Francisco.

Unknown said...

I guess we would have to analyze how inaccurate they are in order to confidently say that NK would not miss 47.9 sqmi city.


kidd said...

This general is up to no good

Unknown said...

Even if they miss every city greater than 5,000 people the fallout is going to affect hundreds of thousands.

You make the oligarchy suffer until they wish they had not been born.

Until then it is all talk.