Saturday, July 8, 2017

What Did President Trump And Russian President Putin Talk About For Over 2 Hours At The G-20 Meeting

Washington Post: Analysis: Trump checks a box on Russia but questions remain

HAMBURG, Germany — President Donald Trump did what he had to do: He confronted Vladimir Putin about the issue of Russian interference in last year’s U.S. elections during his much-anticipated first meeting with the Russian president.

Under intense pressure to do so from his Democratic opponents and even some fellow Republicans, Trump would have been pilloried even before he got home from his European trip had he not broached the subject.

The president can now point to the Putin meeting when challenged on whether he’s been tough enough on the Russians.

But it’s still to be seen how forcefully Trump will deal with the issue going forward to prevent future meddling and to ensure consequences for what’s already occurred. On Saturday, he didn’t address specific questions about the meeting with Putin, describing it as “tremendous.”

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WNU Editor: Zero Hedge has a very good summary on what was discussed .... Tillerson: Putin Asked Trump For Proof Of Russia's Interference In The 2016 Election .... but I suspect that there is a lot that we will not know for a long time.

More News On What Did President Trump And Russian President Putin Talk About For Over 2 Hours At The G-20 Meeting

Tillerson offers rare glimpse into marathon Trump, Putin meeting -- ABC News
Trump Questions Putin on Election Meddling at Eagerly Awaited Encounter -- NYT
Trump and Putin find chemistry, draw criticism in first meeting -- Reuters
Putin and Trump talk election meddling, Syria and Ukraine in two hour meeting at Hamburg G20 --
Trump and Putin’s closed-door meeting yields contradiction on election meddling -- PBS News Hour
Trump, Putin have ‘robust’ first encounter at G-20 summit in Germany -- Japan Times/AFP
Trump Pressed Putin on Election Hacking During G-20 Meeting, Tillerson Says -- NBC
Trump seeks consensus on trade, North Korea at summit -- ABC News
Spin cycle: How Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin's G20 accounts differ -- Paul McGeough, Sydney Morning Herald
The Meeting the World Waited For: What did Putin and Trump Manage to Agree Upon? -- Sputnik
Putin-Trump first meeting round-up -- TASS
'Trump remains Russia's hope': How Russian media reported Trump and Putin's first meeting -- Business Insider


James said...

"Under intense pressure to do so from his Democratic opponents and even some fellow Republicans" well that gives you a good idea of this papers assessment and preferred outlook on this "issue".

As to the Russo/Amer deal it seems that only a lower level Iranian government official has been willing to informally ok it. This leaves a lot of wriggle room for Solemeini and especially Khameini.

fred said...

Jerusalem and Amman worry Tehran aims to carve out a Shiite-controlled land corridor through Iraq, Syria and Lebanon to the Mediterranean

War News Updates Editor said...

Its the Washington Post.

I am reading a lot on the U.S. Syrian deal and Iran's reaction. The Iranian media is silent on it .... which tells me volumes. They do not know how to respond.

James said...

Yeah, I know it's the Post, just to easy not to resist.

I think that some Iranian National Security type dude is giving the semi-public ok, so yes that's what I meant about wriggle room. Khameini and Solemeini not only don't know what to say, but also are not sure they should say anything.

Rodger said...

"the issue of Russian interference in last year’s U.S. elections"

The level of misinformation by the media and the democrats in the US is astonishing. In all the hot air expelled about Russian "interference" or "meddling" in the US presidential election, 99.9% of all "news" stories do not even state the specifics of what the Russian's actually did to "interfere".

So far as I recall, the Russians were accused of hacking Podesta's DNC emails and releasing them to WikiLeaks--which the Russians have denied and which Assuage has also denied. So I am still not certain what Russia did to "interfere" in the US presidential election. The media believes if they keep on repeating nonsense long enough, people will believe it. The sad thing is, they are probably correct.