Tuesday, July 11, 2017

White House Asks Two Military Contractors To Help Form An Alternative Strategy For Afghanistan

In a May 17 appearance on Tucker Carlson's Fox News show, Prince made the case for an Afghan force managed by a contracting company on behalf of the US

Daily Mail: Trump aides ask military contractors including man who founded Blackwater to help make policy for Afghanistan

* Jared Kushner, and another senior advisor, Steve Bannon, asked Erik Prince and Stephen Feinberg to help form an alternative defense strategy in Afghanistan
* Feinberg owns DynCorp International; Prince is the founder of Blackwater
* Blackwater is a lingering stain in the United States' occupation of Iraq.
* Pentagon is known to be considering a troop surge in the country where the US battled the Taliban for 16 years
* Prince has openly advocated for a contractor-based force in Afghanistan
* Sister is Education Secretary Betsy DeVos; his family donated millions to Trump

President Donald Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and another senior advisor, Steve Bannon, asked two military contractors, including the founder of Blackwater, to help form an alternative defense strategy in Afghanistan.

Kushner and Bannon asked Stephen Feinberg, the owner of DynCorp International, and Erik Prince, of Blackwater fame, to submit proposals on the use of contractors in place of US soldiers in Afghanistan, the New York Times reported.

The Pentagon is known to be considering a troop surge in the country where the US battled the Taliban for 16 years.

Bannon brought up the contractor approach to Defense Secretary James Mattis last Saturday, the Times reported, but the Pentagon chief was not interested.

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More News On Reports That The White House Has Asked Two Military Contractors To Help Form An Alternative Strategy For Afghanistan

Trump advisers sought alternative plans for Afghanistan from military contractors -- The Hill
Steve Bannon Wants Private Contractors to Set Strategy in Afghanistan -- The Slate
Blackwater founder Erik Prince wants America’s Afghanistan strategy outsourced -- Salon
Stephen Bannon wants to talk about using mercenaries to solve Afghanistan -- Quartz
Steve Bannon is right on Afghanistan -- Dan DePetris, Nasdaq/Reuters
'Lunacy': Trump Aides Sought Afghanistan Advice From Notorious War Profiteers -- Jake Johnson, Common Dreams
This Afghan War Plan By The Guy Who Founded Blackwater Should Scare The Hell Out Of You -- Adam Weinstein, Task & Purpose


jimbrown said...

We need to stop trying to WIN just maintain the status quo.

Jay Farquharson said...

The Clausewitz Trinity holds that the Political and Moral goals of any war, must align with the strategic goals and the tactics, and vice versa, for any war to be won.

When the Bush Team put the same Warlords, Druglords and War Criminals who destroyed Afghanistan after 1992, and created the conditions for the rise of the Taliban and al Quida, back in charge at the first Loya Jirga, in 2002, the War in Afghanistan was lost,

since 2003, all the US and it's Allies have been doing is trying to preserve the Status Quo in Afghanistan,

and year after year, they preserve less and less of the Status Quo, for more and more money.

fred said...

james: I wrote but I need better rate. advise

ps: Afghanistan will be messy so long as Taliban can shuffle back and forth into Pakistan for R and R and hiding and whatever they do there that makes them so welcome in that ally nation