Sunday, July 16, 2017

Why Is The Pentagon Uncomfortable Talking About Sex? (Podcast)

Matthew Gault, War Is Boring: The Pentagon Is Terrified of Sex

Podcast—sex and sensibility in the U.S. military.

In 2013, the White House ordered the Pentagon to open combat roles to women and gave the military a three-year deadline. As women take on more roles in the U.S. military, both on the front lines and in leadership, the Pentagon must face an issue it has long ignored — relations between men and women.

Tailhook and the Marines United Scandal reveal a military culture that can be at odds with women and their roles alongside men.

But the complications don’t end there. This week on War College, journalist Kevin Knodell walks us through the U.S. military’s general discomfort with talking about sex, according to female service members he spoke with.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The podcast is here.


Anonymous said...

WNUE you start a podcast!!

TWN said...

Biology has rules flaunt them at your own risk.

War News Updates Editor said...

Sorry Anon but no. But I have been asked numerous times to be on podcasts. I will now say yes a give a heads-up to all when I am on one.

James said...

" I will now say yes a give a heads-up to all when I am on one."
For the safety of the country......Thank you!

Unknown said...

The new Bradley Manning training is horrible.

If the damn Obama Regime had left town 6 months earlier, we might be spared.