Thursday, August 10, 2017

A Review On America's Korea Policy Since The End Of The Korean War

Michael Rubin, Newsweek: The Endless Errors in US Korea Policy That Has Brought Us to the Brink of Nuclear War

Back in 2015, I published the second edition of Dancing with the Devil, an academic and policy study of more than a half century of US attempts to engage and negotiate with so-called rogue regimes, a moniker embraced by the Clinton administration to address those states which did not abide by the norms of diplomacy and which engaged in terrorism or nuclear proliferation.

North Korea, of course, was perhaps the first rogue regime to confront the United States.

What follows is a much abridged version of the study of US diplomacy with North Korea and how we got to where we are.

The Korean War never ended. The 1953 Armistice merely ended the most active phase of the conflict, but more than a million troops still face each other across a demilitarized zone (DMZ) less than three miles wide.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: With hindsight it is easy to criticise U.S. policy when it comes to North Korea .... coulda, shoulda, etc.. But I personally never felt that it would succeed. Kim Il Sung and his son were focused on unifying the country by any means possible, negotiating with the U.S. was just a means to achieve that goal. In this context, U.S. policy never had a chance to succeed.


Anonymous said...

Neocons and cockroaches, the only things that will survive a nuclear war. You just can't get rid of them.

fred said...

I was at the original peace talk site, though not a direct participant, and you can see from this link that South Korea would not sign because they insisted on a reunification of Korea. They did, howeve, agree to go along with the armistice.

Jac said...

Well, as usual, the dictatorship is the "good guy" and the democracy is the bad one. On top of that Trump is President. Horror!
I don't know where the world is going with self inflicting like that.

War News Updates Editor said...

The interesting thing is that the Korean wish for reunification still exists. But like 1953, the difference is in the details and whose terms will this reunification fall under. North Korea needs a Gorbachev or a form of North Korean Perestroika to push this forward .... but it is not going to happen with the current leader of North Korea.

fred said...

If given travel expenses and money for food and lodging, I will sit down with both sides and negotiate a full peace treaty between warring sides...I will then write a book, sell movie rights, and turn the film into a broadway musical

War News Updates Editor said...

I agree Fred,
You and Dennis Rodman will make a good team.

fred said...

which side will Dennis represent? If on our side, do I need tats?

B.Poster said...


I like your optimism.:-) Given that each and every POTUS who has served since the mid 1950s has had fantasies about doing this and the fame and adulation one would receive if they pulled it off makes it sore tempting to try, I am curious as to why you believe you are uniquely qualified to do this when so many others with vast resources have failed.

A bit off topic but the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is another one that each and every POTUS thinks they can solve. They can't. Part of the problem is they approach it with the wrong assumptions and lack the open mindedness to change course. The assumptions are that the Israelis are at fault and, if only, the Israelis will make more concessions and, if only, more pressure is applied to Israel that illusive peace can be FINALLY achieved.

As long as you don't approach the problem with the idea that South Korea is entirely to blame and resist the urge to put to much pressure on them and if you don't give up to much in terms of American interests you may just succeed. Also, American diplomats tend to give up to much to quickly while asking for to little in return. Resist these and you may just succeed. I think it definitely worth sending you to try as long as we try and ensure you don't give up to much to quiclkly.:-)

Unknown said...

"I was at the original peace talk site, though not a direct participant, and you can see from this link that South Korea would not sign because they insisted on a reunification of Korea. They did, howeve[sic], agree to go along with the armistice. " - Fred

Yes, South Korea wanted Korea re-united under South Korean auspices and not that of the Left, of totalitarianism.

Germany was re-united. It was united under the auspices of the West Germany, not the Left, not totalitarianism.

Would Fred want the Germany reunited under the STASI?
Would Fred want the Korea reunited under the fascist dictators?

I think he would.

fred said...

delighted that you know what I would want. But you are once again dead wrong...let me count the times etc

you have alas a boiler plate mind that sees + and - and for you, all those you believe incorrect or not in full agreement with you are shunted way over to...god!..the left! commies, socialists, Democrats...horrors.
I would much prefer you not suggest what I would want when you are consistely wrong in what you guess or impute or state.
Now a suggestion: deal with the posted article and spend less or no time in spitting out venom on those that do not agree with you. By so doing, you will be valued for your opinions on a topic, or argued with on your position, but no longer seen as one who loves to be mean spirited

Unknown said...


You might want to try complete sentences on occasion that are not run on sentences.