Thursday, August 3, 2017

China Threatens South Korea Over THAAD Redeployment

© Missile Defense Agency

Sputnik: Beijing Bares Teeth, Threatens South Korea Over THAAD Redeployment

Beijing has made no secret of its displeasure with South Korea’s deployment of the American-made Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system - and now that the deployment has resumed, China may seek to retaliate against Seoul.

When liberal South Korean President Moon Jae-in took office in May, Chinese leadership likely breathed a sigh of relief, as he announced a forestalling of the THAAD deployment for up to 15 months while the South Korean government undertook an environmental impact analysis of the system. Two of the six platforms had already been rolled out and Moon lacked the authority to suspend or dismantle them — but he could stall for time on the rest.

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WNU Editor: In a snub to China .... South Korea is telling everyone that they are coordinating with the U.S. when it comes to North Korea .... U.S., South Korea coordinating on North Korea, Seoul says (UPI). Japan is also getting on this bandwagon .... Consider The THAAD: How An Armed Japan Could Help Tame North Korea (Forbes). As much as many like to believe that business will return back to normal .... and that the U.S./South Korea/Japan/etc. will back down .... the momentum in the region is anything but. I have been an observer of this part of the world for 35 years .... and I have never seen the region as tense as it is now. More to the point .... I can now safely say (because no one else is saying it) that China's policy and strategy towards North Korea is a completely failure, and their stubbornness to not change is resulting in blow-back that I am sure they never expected. And by now threatening countries like South Korea .... while being mute with North Korea .... China is placing itself in a position where they are alienating everyone, with ramifications that will be felt throughout Asia.


Jac said...

I agree, China could have good reason to fear, but that's the result of their own policy which is backfiring now.
What is bothering me is China have too much problems all around itself. Either they retreat a little bit for minimizing the pressure, which would be good at the price of losing face, or they go forward no matter what and it will end badly.

Anonymous said...

Jac, they have to go forward, unfortunately.

The party cannot lose face. .that's their Achilles heel. They have built this narrative and now it's coming home to haunt them. Just blocking VPNs and filtering counter-narratives coming through the Internet won't be enough. The whole world is watching how China is bullying and threatening war. ..a few weeks ago they threatened war with Vietnam over an oil drilling platform in the south China Sea. .then just a few days ago they threatened war with India.
Something is going to happen very soon. ..China needs to pick a relatively small, target but not one that appears too small/too weak
China also needs a war to actually test their weapons and more importantly armies and communications/control and logistics mechanisms. ..

Anonymous said...

And @WNU "no one else is saying it"..I said it before you :P just saying

El choda said...

India and China are in a very tense situation aswell. Does not help the region

Anonymous said...

Wait 'til South Korea and Japan start building nuclear weapons.