Tuesday, August 1, 2017

China Warns President Trump To Not 'Stab China In The Back'

Chinese UN Ambassador Liu Jieyi, UN Web TV

The Telegraph: China warns Trump over North Korea: ‘Don’t stab us in the back’

China has hit back at Donald Trump over North Korea, with a top official blaming Washington and Pyongyang for raising tensions, while state media warned the US not to “stab China in the back”.

The US president said in two angry tweets at the weekend that he was “very disappointed” with China and that he would no longer allow Beijing to “do nothing” over North Korea.

Mr Trump has long believed that China holds the key to forcing North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons programme, given that Beijing is Pyongyang’s only diplomatic backer and a key trading partner.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: My commentary from June 27 (No Progress Form China On North Korea) still holds ....

.... WNU Editor: Both countries are not on the same page when it comes to North Korea. North Korea may be a top priority for the U.S. .... New U.S. ambassador to China says North Korea a top priority (Reuters) .... but China's priority is the removal of THAAD .... China asked U.S. officials to remove THAAD from South Korea (UPI). My prediction .... When Trump and Xi met at Mar-a-Lago in April, China asked for and got a 100 day grace period over North Korea .... Report: Chinese President Xi Asked For A '100-Day Grace Period' On North Korea (May 22, 2017). We are now coming up on that 100 days .... and nothing has changed. My prediction .... we saw a glimpse of where the U.S. is going on China today .... U.S. Brands China as Among Worst Human Trafficking Offenders (US News and World Report/Reuters). But it is going to be on this issue that will raise the "hackles" in China .... Trump growing frustrated with China, weighs trade steps: officials (Reuters).

Bottom line .... the Chinese are now finally beginning to understand that President Trump is not like President Obama, and that this is an issue that can no longer be kicked down the road.


Unknown said...

"Bottom line .... the Chinese are now finally beginning to understand that President Trump is not like President Obama, and that this is an issue that can no longer be kicked down the road"

Will the anti-Trumpers catch on?

Anonymous said...

China plays a long game, they know Trump isn't going to be around much longer. They don't respect or fear him.

Neither does the rest of the world.

Unknown said...

"Trump isn't going to be around much longer."


fred said...

Dear heart
Time is short we can't sit about watching videos

fred said...

A bit early to say that
Say it when something truly happens

fazman said...

4 years is a long time and they sure as hell fear him , if even if its just because of his unpredictablity than they did Obama

Jay Farquharson said...

Adolph Twitler's not gonna make it to the end of his term,

and nobody's scared of Trump.

A trade war, which is the only mild leverage the US has over China, would kill all the cheap Trump products, all the cheap Trump brands in China that Hair Twitler's grifting off of.

Anonymous said...

4 years... LOL. I'll remember you wrote that.

Jay Farquharson said...


Unknown said...

"Time is short we can't sit about watching videos "

It is a way of lampooning without getting called out for name calling.
(Also I picked it up from some one here.)

Lefty Anon felt the sting

I heard in May & June especially that this was the end. It was not.

So now the hope is pinned on 2020. We'll see. But a 2020 election contest would belie all the histrionics so far.

Maybe Kelley will get tired of it all and put all the tin hat people to shame.

Maybe the Pakistani trio talk and the donkeys get their goose cooked.

fazman said...

If lm right l will remind you lol

fazman said...

They sure as hell find him more of a handful than Obama.

fazman said...

Couldnt agree more, the issue is being brought to the boil not swept under the rug.

Chase jones said...

Trump owns all you butt hurt cry babys he plays u like a fiddle you are all so feeble minded and soft you couldnt fight your way out of a wet paper bag lol what does he have to fear besides jays long list of bulshit that he copy and pastes everyday lol