Thursday, August 3, 2017

Families Return To Mosul (Or What's Left Of It)

Euronews: No home to return to: families' plight in war-ravaged Mosul

Iraqi families displaced by months of fighting between government forces and Islamic State (ISIL) group militants are returning to Mosul to find their homes destroyed.

For three years, the city’s historic centre was the heart of ISIL’s self-proclaimed caliphate. Now, most of it lies in rubble.

The Iraq Reconstruction Fund estimates that 80 percent of Mosul’s buildings and roads have been destroyed in the nearly nine-month battle to reclaim the city.

As ISIL militants used many explosives in the residential areas of Mosul, infrastructure in these neighbourhoods has been severely damaged and losses could total around 50 billion U.S. dollars, according to the Iraqi government.

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More News On Mosul Trying To Recover After 3 Years Of ISIS Rule

Families return to booby trapped homes after IS driven out of Mosul -- SKY News
Iraq faces vast challenges securing, rebuilding Mosul -- 7 News
Rebuilding Mosul one of the biggest challenges world has seen in decades -- RUDAW
Mosul yet to begin a long process of recovery -- UPI
Over 250,000 Refugees Returned Home Since Start of Operation in Iraq's Mosul -- Sputnik
Iraqi Christians Look to Reclaim Their Ancient Homes — It’s Now or Never -- DW
After Mosul, Rebuilding Iraq Will Be Just as Painful This Time Around -- National Interest

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