Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Is Congress Moving To Circumvent President Trump's National Security And Foreign Policy Initiatives?

Sandra Erwin, RCD: Lawmakers Primed to Defy Trump on National Security Issues

The collective take in Washington this week is that the Trump White House will get a fresh start as retired Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly takes over as chief of staff.

What this means for national security policy moving forward is a question many lawmakers are mulling as they begin the August recess.

Sen. John McCain last week sounded the clarion call on the Senate floor when he appealed to his colleagues to get back to “regular order.” The speech was a rebuke to the way the Senate handled the health care bill but also a broadside at Congress for remaining on the sidelines of key policy debates such as national security.

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WNU Editor: The prospect of people like Senators McCain, Graham, etc... dictating U.S. foreign/military/war policy/etc. sends the shivers down my back.


Jay Farquharson said...

US Foreign Policy powers and responsibilities have always been allocated between the Senate, and the President.

Seperation of Powers thing, checks and balances.

It's why after 1812, the US didn't revert from a Democracy, back to a collection of French, British and Spanish colonies.

Usually the President leads, and get's enough Senator's onboard, ( Iran deal), but over the past 30 years, Republican Congresses have invested themselves in defeating or sabotaging Democratic Presidential foreign policy, a lot of the time, ( Agreed Framework).

Hair Twitler's Administration is a bag of cat's, clueless, contradictory, and think's Leadership is bullying people into getting onboard, rather than convincing them.

Zinke threatened Merkowski over her ACA vote, by threatening DOI projects and funding for Alaska. The moron wasn't even aware that she controlls the DOI budget, and she quite simply responded by stopping his budget.

Unknown said...

The problem in the Washington swamp is the special interests have either dirt on the congressmen or the congressmen owe the special interests money. They are tied either way. Not real freedom I know but that's the way they've done things all my life. Trump is fighting this. As a rich outsider he can call the shots.
I'm surprised he reluctantly signed the Sanctions bill.

Unknown said...

"It's why after 1812, the US didn't revert from a Democracy, back to a collection of French, British and Spanish colonies."

The original 13 colonies were not French or Spanish.

Florida did not become part of the U.S. until 1821 by the Adams-OnĂ­s Treaty.

Louisiana was acquired in 1803. It is the only thing that possibly could fit Jay's thesis.

Since Jay is much more wrong than right, he has an outstanding possibility to be a professor at a reactionary 'Murrican' university.

Jay Farquharson said...


The Founding Father's were a lot smarter that any 'Murkin's alive today.

They separated out the Foreign Policy powers, to avoid having a Benidict Arnold as President, selling out the country,

And to avoid those whole pesky "Foreign Entanglements"


Unknown said...

I accept your loss Jay.

Please accept your loss with dignity.

"It's why after 1812, the US didn't revert from a Democracy, back to a collection of French, British and Spanish colonies" - Jay

Really? you said that? Really?