Wednesday, August 9, 2017

North Korea Releases Canadian Pastor Who Has Been In Prison Since 2015

National Post/Canadian Press: North Korea says it released Canadian pastor

SEOUL, Korea, Republic Of — North Korea says it has released a Canadian pastor who has been serving a life sentence since 2015 for anti-state activities over health reasons.

Pyongyang’s official Korean Central News Agency said on its website Wednesday that Hyeon Soo Lim was released on “sick bail” following a decision by the country’s Central Court.

The news was announced after a delegation from the Canadian government went to Pyongyang to discuss Lim’s case.

Lim, a pastor with the Light Korean Presbyterian Church of Mississauga, Ont., had been sentenced by a North Korean court to life in prison with hard labour for what it called crimes against the state.

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WNU Editor: The timing of this release is interesting (or nothing at all).

More News On North Korea Releasing A Canadian Pastor Who Has Been In Prison Since 2015

North Korea says it released Canadian detainee -- ABC News/AP
North Korea releases Canadian pastor serving life sentence in prison: state media -- Global News/Reuters
North Korea releases Canadian citizen on “humanitarian” grounds -- NK News
North Korea SETS FREE Canadian pastor sentenced to hard labour for trying to 'overthrow the regime' as fears grow of war with the US -- Daily Mail
North Korea says it has freed Canadian prisoner -- Macleans


Anonymous said...

It's a message, reading: I'm so sorry, please let me live, let's talk, but help me save face.

B.Poster said...

Yes the timing of the release is "interesting." Perhaps anon is correct here. Obviously NK does not fear the US.

Whom doe they fear or might the fear? They would fear China and Russia who both signed onto UN sanctions against North Korea. Now china and Russia are on record as supporting the sanctions. Where I come from when one signs one's name to something, they are agreeing with it. What caveats did Russia and China attach that would allow them "wiggle room?" What concessions did the US make to procure their cooperation here?

As such, if Chinese and Russian cooperation here has been procured which it would be very difficult for them not to cooperate now having signed onto the resolution. Again, what caveats did they attach to such signing and/or what concessions did the US have to make to ensure such cooperation?

China and Russia could have vetoed the resolution or they could have abstained. If abstaining, the resolution passes 13-0 but the countries can later choose not to cooperate as they never signed the resolution.

Since it is going to be very difficult if not impossible for China and Russia to not cooperate now, anon may well be right and, if achieved, by team Trump AND the price given up was not to high OR any caveats the Chinese and Russian attached to this were not such that they would render the resolution essentially worthless THEN this would be a HUGE victory for the United States and team Trump.

Given the media rush to criticize team Trump (often justified), if there were caveats or conditions attached that would make the resolution worthless we would have certainly been provided full details by the media on this. If the things given up were to high, this would likely have been leaked or will be soon. With that said for the price the US would be willing to pay to procure Russian and Chinese cooperation on North Korea would likely be quite high.

As such, this tentatively looks like a huge accomplishment for the US and team Trump here. If the crazies in the US government were not h!ll bent on taking punitive measures against Russia for unsubstantiated allegations and otherwise meddling in Russian affairs, procuring assistance against North Korea would be MUCH easier.

Unknown said...

A++ Poster could write a college paper at the drop of a dime.

The paper would not say anything, but the page length and word count would be there.