Thursday, August 10, 2017

Pentagon Unveils Its Plans On How They Will Launch A 'Preemptive Strike' On North Korea

NBC: B-1 Bombers Key to a U.S. Plan to Strike North Korean Missile Sites

The Pentagon has prepared a specific plan for a pre-emptive strike on North Korea's missile sites should President Trump order such an attack.

Two senior military officials — and two senior retired officers — told NBC News that key to the plan would be a B-1B heavy bomber attack originating from Andersen Air Force Base in Guam.

Pairs of B-1s have conducted 11 practice runs of a similar mission since the end of May, the last taking place on Monday. The training has accelerated since May, according to officials. In an actual mission, the non-nuclear bombers would be supported by satellites and drones and surrounded by fighter jets as well as aerial refueling and electronic warfare planes.

Read more ....

Update: Pentagon Unveils Plan For "Pre-Emptive Strike" On North Korea (Zero Hedge).

WNU Editor: Why are these plans being publicised? And are these really the plans on how the Pentagon will wage war against North Korea?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Send the plans to kim!

fred said...

that stuff purposely "leaked" and was in fact all over tv earlier in the day to alert Kim that we do have a plan even though Trump had earlier in his career said he never gives away what he might do...this is still cheaper than sailing the 6th fleet from the other half of the world to show that our ships can float

B.Poster said...

Why are these plans being publicized? Misdirection perhaps? Probably not as no one in the US government has given any indication that they are clever enough to misdirect anyone. As for POTUS, he is like a bull in a China closet and is incapable of misdirection or deception of any kind. Most likely this is being publicized by a.)someone who has no idea what they are talking about or b.)by personnel who wish to undermine POTUS. Hopefully it is a.

As for a plan, of course the US has such a plan. All nations have plans. North Korea no doubt has plans for a preemptive strike on the USA. As for any such plans, North Korean spies will already have already alerted Kim to what they are. As such, reporting it to the media has little utility but of course the leakers think they are oh, so smart!! Since the North Koreans are already aware of any such plans, misdirection is of little to no utility and, as stated, the US government is not that smart any way.

Jac said...

I have a hard time to believe that's the "real" plan. Also who doubt that the B-1 would be out of a strike? And...that's a little bit short as a plan, that's not reaching what general Mattis said earlier.

fred said...

I am hardly on top of this stuff but is it really a leak or something made public. Has anyone any evidence either way?

War News Updates Editor said...

No one is putting their name to this release, so I will have to assume that it is a leak.

TWN said...

Everything coming out of Govt referring to NK at this point is disinformation, deception is and has always been a major part of warfare. If it has been decided to go to war with NK then nothing in the media at this point really can be believed. One only has to remember Patton's role in the Normandy invasion where he was used a decoy, that and all the rubber tanks and planes and phony radio traffic, that misdirected the Germans into believing that Calais area was the invasion choice, so I'm not taking to much stock in these releases or leaks.

fazman said...

Doesn't really matter if it's part of a genuine plan or not.
Its like Mike Tyson walking up to you in a bar and saying "I'm going to punch you in the head,then a body shot".
Nothing you can do but brace and wonder how many bones he's gonna break and how much it's gonna hurt.

Ropestuff said...

I'm thinking it has much more to do with reassuring voters. Because a few people are going to say, "Well thank god we have a plan now."

Unknown said...


You are truly amazing. You are!

I never knew that 6th fleet was in the Pacific! Neither does the commander of the Pacific fleet.

You would think a person who can spend literally all day at the computer could look that up.

Unknown said...

"I am hardly on top of this stuff" - Fred

"...this is still cheaper than sailing the 6th fleet from the other half of the world to show that our ships can float" - Fred

Copy that.

James said...

The leakers may have broken laws, but they have not committed any actions that fall under US's law definition of treason.

fred said...

lordy lord! I was kidding about the 6th fleet but so anxious are the nasties that they jump on me as fully ignorant when I am only half that way.

Unknown said...


You were not kidding.

12 February 1950 – present

The fleet numbering system has been effect since, you were no longer a highschooler wanting to do

fred said...

Grow up
I knew the sixth fleet and Mediterranean
Again do not tell others what they mean

Unknown said...

"Grow up
I knew the sixth fleet and Mediterranean
Again do not tell others what they mean " - Fred



fazman said...

6th or 7th it doesn't matter,you were making a valid point.
It's all good mate ,don't worry about it.:)