Wednesday, August 9, 2017

President Trump: U.S. Nuclear Arsenal Is 'More Powerful Than Ever'

ABC News Online: North Korea: Donald Trump says United States' nuclear arsenal is 'more powerful than ever'

United States President Donald Trump has issued another veiled threat to North Korea, saying "our nuclear arsenal is now far stronger and more powerful than ever before".

"Hopefully we will never have to use this power, but there will never be a time that we are not the most powerful nation in the world," he added on Twitter.

Speaking to reporters before landing in Guam, a US-held Pacific island that Pyongyang threatened to strike, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Mr Trump was trying to send a strong message to North Korea when he earlier said it would face "fire and fury" if it continued to threatened the United States.

Read more ....

More News On President Trump Declaring That The U.S. Nuclear Arsenal Is 'More Powerful Than Ever'

Trump says U.S. nuclear arsenal stronger than ever -- Reuters
Trump touts nuke strength as Tillerson urges calm on NKorea -- AP
Trump warns N. Korea: US nuclear arsenal is 'more powerful than ever before' -- Washington Post
Trump touts US nuclear arsenal day after threatening 'fire and fury' on North Korea -- Business Insider
US Nuclear Arsenal Stronger, More Powerful Than Ever Before - Trump -- Sputnik
Trump says US nuclear arsenal is more powerful than ever -- TASS
Trump: US nuclear arsenal stronger than ever after I ordered modernization -- RT


B.Power said...

"but there will never be a time when the we are not the most powerful nation in the world." Since we cannot "know" that we are the most powerful nation in the world right now, how can we possibly "know" that there will never be a time when we are not the most powerful nation in the world. This is an utterly preposterous statement made by POTUS.

As far as I can recall, candidate Trump never made such ridiculous statements as referring to the United States as "exceptional", a "superpower", or even more ridiculous as a "hyper power." Candidate Trump was right to refrain from such nonsense. POTUS Trump appears to have lost his way.

RussInSoCal said...

If the above Trump statements cross your wires, you're either a Nork or a rabid anti-Trumper. The language is very deliberate and it translates directly to Korean. "Fire" Fury" "Power", ect... all mean exactly that in the Korean language.

/But no, Trump has to be a moron and an idiot... The same moron and idiot that's been running circles around the Left for a year and a half.

Hans Persson said...

Well said RussInSoCal

Jay Farquharson said...


Obama started the "nuclear modernization" program in 2007.

Because of Hair Twitler's complete and utter dysfunction, and D student's Perry at the DOE,

The projects stalled, no money, no staff.


B.Poster said...


I've never said that Trump was an idiot. While I think sometimes his twitter finger and his mouth get ahead of his brain, I don't recall ever saying or implying that he is an idiot. Perhaps what you said wasn't directed at me.

With that said I will reiterate we cannot know the outcome in advance. IF, as has been reported, China and Russia are really going to back us on sanctions this would be very good news for us and will make North Korea much easier to defeat.

I would be interested to know what concessions had to be made to procure Russian and Chinese cooperation on this. The notion that they would help us sounds to good to be true but, if the reports are accurate, they have signed on. Having signed on it is going to be very difficult for them to back out later. They could have very easily vetoed or simply abstained.

Also, I would be interested to know exactly how Trump modernized the nuclear arsenal in such a short period of time. For what its worth, if I were POTUS, this would be my first order as well. "Renovate and modernize" our nuclear arsenal. If he actually did this, I salute him. How did he do this so quickly? This is an extraordinary claim. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Unknown said...

"LMF(_king)AO, Obama started the "nuclear modernization" program in 2007." - Jay

From Wiki a bit of reality for Jay

Obama, the 44th President of the United States.

In office January 20, 2009 – January 20, 2017

I kindly added the link to Obama's entry in Wikipedia, because as Honest Abe might say Jay has the 'slows'.

Unknown said...

The warmunists went after Roy Spencer. After all he only had a PhD in meteorology.
His study of cosmic rays and clouds was wrong ... just wrong the alarmists cried.

New Paper from Roy Spencer: PDO and Clouds

And then CERN proved him right.

CLOUD experiment sharpens climate predictions

fred said...

meanie gets off on snark

Jay Farquharson said...


first of all, the order (Memorandum of January 27, on "Rebuilding the U.S. Armed Forces") was actually asking the Secretary of Defense and OMB manager to produce not a renovated nuclear arsenal but a number of documents, including an overall Readiness Review of the armed forces, a National Defense Strategy, a Ballistic Missile Review, and a Nuclear Posture Review to assess how far "United States nuclear deterrent is modern, robust, flexible, resilient, ready, and appropriately tailored to deter 21st-century threats and reassure our allies";
second of all, you'd probably have to wait until after the last review is issued—it's supposed to come out at the end of this year—to get a sense of whether or not it's going to lead to a renovation and modernization beyond the 30-year trillion-dollar modernization program laid down by the Obama administration;
third of all, because the Trump review hasn't been completed, it's really hard to see how it could have done anything already to make the US nuclear arsenal stronger and more powerful than previously, unless they're planning to install time travel to build a better past;

I'm just loving all the Gullibillies, Deplorables, Alt-Reich and Trumpista's embracing their inner NORK in defence of Dear Leader's lunatic statements,

It's funny as hell to watch Hair Twitler serve you up a big steaming pile shit, straight from his ass, every day,

and watch you guys dig in and eat it, then praising it online as the best chocolate cake ever,

and competing with each other over who get's to rim his ass clean,


RussInSoCal said...

Wipe yer chin, Farq Troll. Its dripping.

Anonymous said...

Proof that this world is in danger without nuclear weapons..

fred said...

Canada dry

Unknown said...

"meanie gets off on snark " - Fred

And Jay saying "LMFAO" is not snark?

Jay made an absurd claim and he has a mouth wider than the Mississippi Delta. So I pounced.

Maybe Fred you are just trying to deflect that Jay let it all hang out there and the door got shut.

Unknown said...

"Obama started the "nuclear modernization" program in 2007." - Jay

Unknown said...

"and competing with each other over who get's to rim his ass clean," - Jay

Was there a stay in the YMCA by someone, who doctored himself?