Tuesday, August 1, 2017

President Trump: 'The White House Is A Real Dump'

The Hill: Trump told golf club members that the White House is 'a real dump'

President Trump has reportedly denounced his White House digs, telling members at his Bedminster golf club that the historic presidential residence is "a real dump."

The president made the remarks to his patrons in an effort to explain his frequent visits to his New Jersey-based golf club, Sports Illustrated reported Tuesday.

The magazine reports that the president feels "unguarded among the people who pay for their proximity to him."

Secret Service has reportedly established a secure perimeter around Trump's own private cottage at the club for when he visits, which has been four times so far.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: He should consider himself lucky. Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau will not move into his official home until repairs and renovations are done .... which according to the best estimates will take years .... Repairs to 24 Sussex, PM’s official residence, could reach $38M: Report (Global news). More here .... 24 Sussex sits empty, no target date for remodel (Global News).

More News On President Trump Calling The White House "A Real Dump"

Donald Trump 'tells his golf buddies that the White House is a "real dump" and that's why he spends so much time away from Washington' -- Daily Mail/AP
Trump thinks the 'White House is a real dump,' report says -- USA Today
Trump said the White House 'is a real dump': Report -- Washington Examiner
Trump: ‘That White House is a real dump’ -- Market Watch
A Real Dump’: President Trump Unimpressed With White House -- Sputnik
Donald Trump: 'The White House is a real dump' -- The Telegraph


Anonymous said...

well the media propaganda never stops does it?

Jay Farquharson said...



Anonymous said...

Why does he hate America? When is America going to be great
again? If Obama said this Aizino's head would have exploded.

Anonymous said...

An honest assessment by a real estate developer of a piece of property asnd its building. Once again, Trump is simply presenting the facts come what may. Only a president with his knowledge can look at this from a real estate developer and recognize easily what needs to be fixed. He's probably shocked by reality.

Anonymous said...

Excellent observation, he should stick to real estate.

When it comes to policy and the running of a state, he kind of sucks at it. He'd rather be campaigning and blaming the previous occupant of the dilapidated WH for the lack of MAGA.

When is MAGA? Where is MAGA? We want MAGA! Oh f%#K it, let's just
go bomb somebody.

fred said...

That head exploded years ago

fred said...

In polite society we no longer refer to "dumps," but rather to Transfer Stations. Donald turns a dump into a septic tank

TWN said...

All Politicians should have to live in cardboard boxes until every homeless person has decent housing.

Bob Huntley said...

Anon. Perhaps it will become great like Trumps great grandfather and cease to exist.

Anonymous said...


Jay Farquharson said...

The "private areas" of the White House was renovated to Adolph Twitlers specifications at the cost of $100,000 in taxpayers funds in January, 2017.

The Oval Office was also renovated, but, as a "Historic Building", on the National Historic Register, owned by the US Public, there are limits to what can, and can't be renovated or modernized.

The West Wing will be renovated in August, 2017.

Adolph Twitler's tastes run to fake guilding, cheap granite and marble, fake Louis XVIII copies and dead stuffed rare animals.


For security reasons, the President's bedroom is always on the second floor, and Trump is afraid of stairs.

Jay Farquharson said...

BTW, between 1948 and 1951, under Truman, the White House was gutted due to structural defects, given new internal and external foundations, a 2 story basement, a steel interior frame, completely modern plumbing, electrical, HVAC, a nuclear bunker, and brand new interior walls, floors and ceilings, with some furnature and interior fittings preserved.

During both the Eisenhower and Kennedy Administrations, original fittings and furnature was tracked down and reaquired, creating such historic rooms as the Oval Office and the Lincoln Bedroom.

fred said...

Whether you like the place or do not, it is the home of the president of the U.S., and as such a symbol of our democracy. To drop such tasteless remarks is an indication of classless behavior, proving again that there is more to class than mere money (assuming there is that since we do not have tax returns and Russia will not show us their books).