Thursday, August 3, 2017

Ranking The World's Deadliest Weapons

CNET: The deadliest weapons on Earth, ranked

A common thread through human history is the constant development of deadly new combat technologies. The US Army and Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists have completed research on weapons used throughout history, using real-world data from battles to calculate their "lethality index," a numerical way to show how deadly each weapon can be that accounts for weapon range, rate of fire, accuracy, radius of effect and battlefield mobility.

Here's how the US Army's rankings fell.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Not surprising .... hydrogen bombs have the highest ranking.

Hat tip to Fred for this link.


fazman said...

130lbs of patriotic fury wrapped up in black pyjamas tops the list.

TWN said...

They left out the Machete the number one murder weapon in the world and has been for years, millions have been killed with them.