Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Sizing Up The North Korean Military

North Korea claims to have three missiles capable of striking Guam, the Hwasong-12 (pictured), the Pukguksong-2 and the Musadon

Daily Mail: How Kim's Korean People's Army sizes up to Trump's military might as tensions rocket amid Pyongyang's threats to strike US Guam Air Force Base

* North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un raised fears of a military clash after threatening US military base in Guam
* It came hours after US President Donald Trump warned vowed 'fire and fury' if Kim threatened United States
* Some military analysts believe North Korea has weapons capable of striking Guam, around 2,100 miles away
* As well as 60 potential nuclear weapons, Kim Jong-un boasts around one million active soldiers, 5,000 tanks
* In comparison, the United States has around 80,000 soldiers and 240 planes in Japan, South Korea and Guam

Kim Jong-un's announcement that he is looking into the logistics of striking US military base in Guam is not the first time he has threatened America - but it is the first time he has singled a territory out.

Following a failed missile test in April, Kim warned of a 'super mighty pre-emptive strike' to wipe out US forces in South Korea and reduce its mainland 'to ashes'.

It was dismissed by most experts as saber-rattling but his most recent claim to strike Guam, an American territory around 2,100 miles from the Korean Peninsula, seems worryingly more specific.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Yup .... Why it could take months for the US to get ready for war with North Korea (CNN). It should be noted that if war does break out .... it will not be the U.S. fighting this war (especially at the beginning), it will primarily be the Koreans.

Update: There is probably some truth to this (at least that is what some are hoping for) .... North Korea probably couldn't nuke the US military in Guam even if it tried (Business Insider). But they can still do a lot of damage with their conventional weapons .... What damage could North Korea do even without nuclear weapons? (Jonathan Marcus, BBC).

More News On The Current U.S. Military Assets In The Region

What is the US military's presence near North Korea? -- The Guardian
Japanese fighters conducted air drills with U.S. B-1B bombers on Tuesday -- Reuters
US Nuclear Bombers Buzz Korean Peninsula as Kim Jong-un Threatens Guam -- Sputnik
US Air Force jets 'ready to fight tonight' says Trump, as US tension with North Korea continues -- Yahoo News UK
What nuclear weapons does North Korea have, who would Kim Jong-un target in a missile attack and what are the sanctions against the state? -- The SUN


RussInSoCal said...

Their biggest threat are the artillery batteries positioned to target Seoul. Other that that it's an emaciated army of brainwashed conscripts.

B.Poster said...


If you're right, what would be involved in taking out the artillery batteries, how long would it take, can it be done by US forces?

"Other than that it's an emaciated army of brainwashed conscripts." Maybe you are right. The only way to "know" for certain is to have hot war. Given the tendency of US officials to overestimate our capabilities while underestimating those of adversaries and potential adversaries I'm not that optimistic.

With that said I tend to agree with the analysis that suggests this is going to end in a whimper not in a bang. After all even the Russians and the Chinese have agreed with sanctions. Having signed on to them it would be very difficult if not impossible for them to back out. North Korea looks to be in a rough spot, however, like a cornered animal they may react in ways not anticipated.

Anonymous said...

North Korea hasn't got anything to lose at this point. They're pretty much screwed.

And not having anything to lose is just as dangerous as developing nukes. Why? Because when you don't have anything to lose, you might as well fight to the death.

If I was NK, I'd go all out. (Obviously I don't condone this)

fred said...

"Other that that"--tell that to the millions living in Seoul

B.Poster said...

"...tell that to the millions living in Seoul." So true. This is exactly why any kind of preemptive war will not happen unless the South Korean government first authorizes it. I'm pretty sure everything that POTUS says that North Korea could interpret as a threat is also being cleared through the South Korean government.

RussInSoCal said...

Trust me fred, the people living in Seoul are much less concerned about this than you are. But I'm sure they appreciate your angst.

fred said...

In a few days I will be 88--what, me worry?
I am not sure how you can speak for millions living in Seoul. My guess is that since there is very little they can do one way or the other at this point, they simply must go on with their daily lives, and so, do not devote the time or energy that we do at this site.

Whether or not, though, they worry about this, it is an important issue since Seoul is so close to the border (I have been in both spots, in passing), for S. Korea is our ally and we have a treaty with them. And then of course there are some 30,000 American troops in S. Korea, and they may or may not worried about this situation. Again, I can not speak for them either.

Jay Farquharson said...

There won't be a war or military action with out a South Korean "green light" on the project.

South Korea won't greenlight their own destruction,

So this will remain two fat faux Dictator rapists with bad hair yelling at each other, one orange, one yellow.

Hans Persson said...

People always points to the mighty NK arty. People also always forget that the other side are monitoring them from space. In case of war, its going to be preemptive strikes on them before they shoot. After that they have masses of people charging a defencive line that SK have been prepping for just that for 60 years now. I say, good luck NK making a dent.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing Jay, many in America are also more concerned with Trump than NK.

fred said...

And with good reason

Unknown said...

Counter battery fire is easy.

If it were not then why invent the phrase "shoot and scoot"?

Sure they are dug in. Just go Russian on them. Use hyperbaric bombs. The Russians are very good with hyperbaric weapons.

Then let the NORK chain of command know that we'll go medieval on any NORK major and above, who target Seoul.

fazman said...

Can't believe the credit people give the Norks and play into the sea of fire crap.
Correct Aizino most artillery can't actually hit Seoul,what does hit will have a 25% failure rate and another big chunk will hit nothing.
After the first hour the Bork artillery will drop via attrition and preservation.
Hit his nuke infrastructure hard,he will conduct a limited retaliation to show he's the man.
Don't respond to the propaganda show designed for domestic consumption,swallow the limited damage ,guns fall silent and youve bought another decade.