Tuesday, August 8, 2017

So Much For Google's Manifesto

ReCode: Google has fired the employee who penned a controversial memo on women and tech

The author wrote, among other things, that females suffered from more “neuroticism.”

In a memo to employees, Google CEO Sundar Pichai said the employee who penned a controversial memo that claimed that women had biological issues that prevented them from being as successful as men in tech had violated its Code of Conduct, and that the post had crossed “the line by advancing harmful gender stereotypes in our workplace.”

He added: “To suggest a group of our colleagues have traits that make them less biologically suited to that work is offensive and not OK.”

Read more ....

Update: Google Fires Author Of "Outrageous" Memo Slamming Company's Anti-Conservative Culture (Zero Hedge)

WNU Editor: The author of this memo .... James Damore ... has been fired. His 10 page memo can be read here .... Exclusive: Here's The Full 10-Page Anti-Diversity Screed Circulating Internally at Google [Updated] (Gizmodo). I am putting up this post because Google .... as well as most of the major tech companies in the Bay area .... play an incredibly important role in the dissemination of news and information .... and yes .... news and information that I use all the time. The sad fact is that they are incredibly biased (politically and culturally), and they do not hide it. They are very open amongst themselves that besides making money their product must also push a cultural and political agenda, and if you disagree with it .... too bad. This is why I find the news media focus on Russian bots and fake Twitter accounts playing a role in influencing the 2016 Presidential election a minor story .... because when you look at the big picture .... whether you like it or not .... the world wide web is entirely run by America's tech giants. The expertise, manpower, resources, and wealth that resides in these companies are beyond enormous .... and to them .... Russian cyber teams, Chinese hackers .... these U.S. tech companies do not even pay attention to them .... in their world the Chinese and Russians are a minor player in the entire scheme of things .... and I am being generous in this assessment. How do I know this .... besides doing a few tech projects over the years (some successful and some not) ..... I have been going to the Bay area for almost 20 years .... 2 times a year to visit family and business .... and I have seen this intolerant and aggressive-progressive mindset waaaayyyy too many times to count. But I do understand where they are coming from .... they and their companies are the Masters Of The Universe right now .... and pity those who try to step in their way and/or who want to promote a different point of view. And here is a warning .... if they should ever get their act together on AI (artificial intelligence) .... watch out, because we will then be living in an entirely different world .... a world based on their image on what the world should be.


Jay Farquharson said...



Anonymous said...

Well there is no content in his memo... money and presence give power we know it already. Is there something better than that?

Anonymous said...

why don't we talk about how women are over represented in certain occupations like nurses, teachers, counselors, tax preparers, social workers, HR, psychologists, financial specialists, education administrators, accountants, auditors, PR managers, insurance underwriters, appraisers, and veterinarians???

oh yea, it's because men generally don't like those careers...controversial isn't it?

Anonymous said...

The worst infighting I've ever witnessed was at a company where two teams were run by women. .they went at each other for years and in the end 20% left, and major restructuring was necessary. Barely anyone dares to talk about this. Criticise men and you're a brave SJW. Criticise women in the workplace and you might get fired.