Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Tensions Between China And Vietnam Results In Their Foreign Ministers Cancelling Their Meeting

A crewman from a Vietnamese coastguard ship observes as Chinese coastguard vessels chase Vietnamese ships in the South China Sea. Photo: Reuters

SCMP: China-Vietnam maritime tensions flare as foreign ministers meeting called off

Cancellation on sidelines of Asean gathering comes after Hanoi pushes for bloc to take tougher stand against Beijing in South China Sea

Strife between Beijing and Hanoi over the South China Sea boiled over on Monday when a scheduled one-on-one meeting of the two countries’ foreign ministers was called off.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi was due to meet his Vietnamese counterpart Pham Binh Minh in Manila on the sidelines of a gathering of diplomats from Asean countries.

But a Chinese official said the meeting did not take place.

No reason was given for the cancellation and it was not clear if another meeting would be arranged before the Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ foreign ministers gathering ended on Tuesday.

Read more ....

Update #1:
China, Vietnam meeting canceled amid South China Sea tensions -- Reuters
Update #2: Hanoi, Beijing Call Off Meeting as South China Sea Drama Brews -- Sputnik

WNU Editor: Vietnam is looking for allies .... Vietnam ‘may tilt towards US’ in regional power play with China (SCMP). More here .... Vietnam wins US defence pledges as tension with China grows (Reuters).


Anonymous said...

From someone who's currently living in Vietnam: there's 0 sympathy here for the Chinese. The Vietnamese despise their money grabbing culture, and are still upset about the iron ore disaster last year in which the Chinese killed millions of Vietnamese fish through pollution. In the north there are Chinese attempts to change the official language from Vietnamese to Chinese, can you believe it? Then there's of course the despised Chinese tourists pissing and defecating in the streets. And on top the Vietnamese/Chinese sea conflict with china threatening war over a Vietnamese-sanctioned oil drilling platform. Now the Chinese have come a long way through hard work, but they have destroyed their reputation by equal amounts of spying, stealing, and bullying. There's no love for China in south East Asia and if the Chinese are dumb enough to start a war they'll quite quickly learn that a super power cannot be a super power if it makes enemies of almost all its neighbours. So retarded to believe in a Chinese grand strategy. 10 years ago, maybe. Now they are surrounded by bases and almost hostile nations. Lol a big Chinese failure.

Unknown said...

"despised Chinese tourists pissing and defecating in the streets"

I have never witnessed this. I have been to China 3 tines for a total of almost a month.

Chinese use to curb their kids.

"despise their money grabbing culture"
People say that about Americans. Anyone, who is poor for a long time, is going to chase $$ more often than not, when they have the opportunity. Is a hunter who is hungry chasing wild game to be despised?. So why is a city dweller who chases $$ despised? If you do not make enough $$, you end up on the street.

The Vietnamese base their oil rights in some places on French Imperial claims. Irony much?

That said I think china's 9 dash line is crap.