Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Tweets For Today


Unknown said...

The Left is just like ISIS.

Destroying things.

Jay Farquharson said...


""This Tumblr has refrained from images of President Trump being punched–with one prior exception[1]–working within an editorial policy that while we disagreed with the majority of his policies and positions, he had yet to achieve the threshold of espousing Nazi ideology. As such, images such as the one above, of a mural in Philadelphia, were not considered within our scope.

This changed on the evening of Tuesday, February 28, 2017, as the president announced to Congress and the nation that his administration would be establishing a government agency that treated crimes by immigrants as somehow more heinous and worthy of special attention than crimes committed by other Americans, on top of the previously announced plan to release regular lists of these crimes.

These actions directly reflect Nazi tactics and establishment, in particular the government powers once afforded to Hermann Göring and the Gestapo, as well as the interior propaganda newspaper Der Stürmer. It has henceforth become the position of our staff that Donald Trump has now embraced the Third Reich strategy guide in total, and we will no longer be discussing whether images of him being punched[2] belong on this Tumblr. "


Unknown said...

It is worse Jay.

A not insignificant number of those criminals can commit a crime, flee the country and meld back into the country they came from safe from extradition, because their country has no effective policing, it is indifferent or the criminal is actually protected.

There Fixedya.

Unknown said...

So If I were Angolan and some Zimbabweans were in the country (Angola) illegal and committed crimes, Jay would call me NAZI, iF I wanted them deported or jailed?

Does that make sense other than to a guardian reader?

Unknown said...

So If I were Greek and some Albanians were in the country illegal and committed crimes, Jay would call me NAZI, iF I wanted them deported or jailed?

Does that make sense other than to a Guardian reader?

Unknown said...

So If I were Argentinian and some Paraguyans were in the country illegal and committed crimes, Jay would call me NAZI, if I wanted them deported or jailed?

Does that make sense other than to a Guardian reader?

Unknown said...

This is Jay's poster child.

This is who, Jay is fighting for

Illegal immigrant in Utah already once deported 'raped a 7-year-old thousands of times' after claiming it was an accident because lotion made him slippery

Jay does not care if the # of rapes, murders or any other crime go up because, of illegals.

... cuz he lives in Cana-duh not Canada.

Unknown said...

Here is a story about a typical liberal

Trump activist 'executed his Republican neighbor with two bullets to the head in a long-running dispute'

Yup, Leftist went all liberal on his neighbor just like Hodgkinson went all liberal on Republican Cogressmen

Jay Farquharson said...

Nazi's, Alt-Reich, alt-Reich lite,

"Let's commit genocide, let's start a race war, let's bring in White Sharia, let's commit ethnic cleansing, lets kill libtards",


"Lets not."


"please stop killing us,"


"The Left is the worst"





Cuckservatives always choose Nazi's, or Treason In Defence of Slavery, or just treason,





Jay Farquharson said...

Keep going full Nazi, Anzino,



fred said...


you are, remain, and always will be one who is filled with venom, which you spill out in every comment you make, and thus reveal that you are to be dismissed and not a serious person...Your use of boiler plate anti left stuff is very tiresome and oh so predictable...your insults convince me and others that you are not a person one wants to be around... the liberals did not give us anything? all the structures that the conservatives would tear down, dismantle, or privatize were the result of liberal doing. The Repubs? well,Lincoln (I refer not to the civil war) gave govt funding to cross the nation with railroads--ah, socialism; and IKE under the guise of national security connected our major highways...now look at all the other goodies coming from govt--ah,you are not even in this country--and they came from lefties, ie, liberals

Jay Farquharson said...


Anzino's not just a sucker, he's an enabler,

He's trying to destroy the US from inside,


Anonymous said...

"Remember, the internet's forever."

That's a pretty cocky thing to say for a guy who's peculiar psychosis causes him to see a nazi police state everywhere he looks.

Unknown said...

Poor Jabber Jay wrote:


"Lets not."

Poor blighter could not even spell Antifa correctly.


ANTIFA is violent. Here are links.


California ‘anti-fascist’ activist charged with assault


The police confiscated weapons from ANTIFA. That is a fact and it stands no matter how much Jabber impugns a news organization.

The Left eats their own and Vancouver is not that far from Seattle; it would be poetic justice.