Thursday, August 10, 2017

U.S. Intelligence Agencies Knew In 2013 That North Korea Was Capable Of Miniaturising Nuclear Weapons

FOX News: Obama administration knew about North Korea's miniaturized nukes

Tuesday's bombshell Washington Post story that the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) has determined North Korea is capable of constructing miniaturized nuclear weapons that could be used as warheads for missiles – possibly ICBMs – left out a crucial fact: DIA actually concluded this in 2013. The Post also failed to mention that the Obama administration tried to downplay and discredit this report at the time.

During an April 11, 2013, House Armed Services Committee hearing, Congressman Doug Lamborn, R-Colo., inadvertently revealed several unclassified sentences from a DIA report that said DIA had determined with “moderate confidence” that North Korea has the capability to make a nuclear weapon small enough to be launched with a ballistic missile.

Read more ....

Update: Just When Did DIA First Warn About North Korea Nuclear Warheads? (Ed Morrisey, Hot Air)

WNU Editor: It was James Clapper who dismissed the 2013 report because it did not fit into the consensus view at the time .... New Details on Disclosure Regarding North Korea (New York Times). So why the uproar now .... when this report was first issued in 2013!?!?!?! And who made up that consensus view that contradicted the DIA's report. I follow news stories like this one very closely, but it was only yesterday that I learned about this DIA intelligence assessment, and it was from this report by CNN's Barbara Starr. In short .... this major announcement is nothing new .... it is just that people like James Clapper .... and I can only assume the White House itself .... who made the decision to bury the report in 2013 because it would force them to then make decisions that they did not want to make. Also from the Barbara Starr report, President Trump was only notified in December on what was the current state of North Korea's nuclear program .... including the miniaturisation of its nuclear warheads. But when I look at the news today .... what I see are news organisations saying that  when it comes to North Korea, President Trump is the problem?!?!?!?!


Jac said...


You are 100% right. That's just treason! Some of the Obama administration have to go to a martial court, Obama included.

James said...

WNU, At some point you have to begin to wonder just how many launch vehicles the North Koreans still have.

fazman said...

Mr TrumpJay sends his apologies

Unknown said...


I wonder what the scrap rate of components is.

Maybe it is low and they try to launch their scrap.

If we knew their scrap rate, we would need 1 or 2 pieces of information.

Maybe the Navy could pick up their missiles.

In WW2 spies gave widely inflated estimates of German tank production. Statisticians using serial number data from destroyed tanks 'captured' on the battlefield gave a much better estimate.
The ancient Assyrian army had quality control. If it pertained to composite bows, I do not know, but it did apply to swords. Smiths had to put their maker's mark on their work.

So quality (some time lotting or serialization) has been around for 3,000 years or more.

If the missiles are liquid fueled, the pumps, etc should have serial numbers. Those might survive relatively intact.

Of course if they have serialization, they might purposely screw it up.

James said...

I don't know. But they cannot have an unlimited supply and every time they launch we gather that much more info. I will repeat though, in Kim's mind he needs just one device (just one that is reliable) that is deliverable to suit his policy needs.