Tuesday, August 1, 2017

White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner Believes That The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict May Not Be Solvable

Jared Kushner meets Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, June 21 2017. (photo credit:AMOS BEN GERSHOM, GPO)

WIRED: Kushner On Middle East Peace: "What Do We Offer That's Unique? I Don't Know."

ON MONDAY, WHITE House senior adviser Jared Kushner spoke to a group of congressional interns as part of an ongoing, off-the-record summer lecture series. During the question-and-answer portion of the event, Kushner may have inadvertently offered some insight into the negotiating tactics he is using in the Middle East.

Prior to Kushner's talk, Katie Patru, the deputy staff director for member services, outreach, and communications, told the assembled interns, "To record today’s session would be such a breach of trust, from my opinion. This town is full of leakers and everyone knows who they are, and no one trusts them. In this business your reputation is everything. I’ve been on the Hill for 15 years. I’ve sat in countless meetings with members of congress where important decisions were being made. During all those years in all those meetings, I never once leaked to a reporter…. If someone in your office has asked you to break our protocol and give you a recording so they can leak it, as a manager, that bothers me at my core."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: As an optimist I like to believe that everything can be negotiated and solved .... a point of view that I will admit is always being strained when it comes to the Middle East peace process.

More News On White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner Remarks That He Believes That The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict May Not Be Solvable

Israeli-Palestinian conflict may not be solvable, Kushner says on tape -- Times of Israel
'I don't know,' Kushner says on Mideast peace: 'There may be no solution' -- The Jerusalem Post
Jared Kushner offers insight into his approach to Middle East peace process -- CBS
Kushner on Middle East: 'I don't know' what makes administration's approach unique -- The Hill
Jared Kushner on negotiating peace in the Middle East: 'What do we offer that's unique? I don't know' -- Washington Examiner
Leaked audio of Jared Kushner reveals he thinks 'there may be no solution' in Middle East -- AOL
Kushner: Nothing Much Has Happened in Middle East Over Past 50 Years -- Kevin Drum, Mother Jones


Carl said...

Certainly as long as Netanyahu is there, it won't be solvable, but if Israel were ever to get a political leadership that regarded the Palestinians as human beings rather than rats, then it would be solvable.

B.Poster said...


You've got this backward. It is the Palestinians who regard the Israelis as rats. Of course the Palestinians do have among the slickest messaging machines in history.

This might be solvable if either all foreign aid were cut off to the Palestinians or the foreign aid they receive were made highly conditional much like the foreign aid Israel receives from the US. If this happened, the Palestinians would then be placed on a more equal footing to the Israelis. In such a situation, they might be more inclined to negotiate in good faith.

Until there is such a change in behavior and attitudes on the part of the Palestinians, Mr. Kushner is absolutely correct, IF this really is his position. With that said the best approach for the US would be to cut off all aid to all sides. As stated, the aid Israel receives is highly conditional and actually has negative utility for Israel, as a whole. It must benefit some elites, hence they keep accepting it.

Once Israel is freed from US foreign aid that has negative utility for them and America anyway, they will then be on a more equal footing with the Palestinians. If this happened, perhaps the Palestinians would then be more willing to negotiate in good faith.

fred said...

Bibi as is the case with many Israelis leaders in tough spot. The ultras want Israel to encompass the biblical lands...the Pals want a state consisting of West Bank and Gaza (unless they could get Israel too), and so any Israeli leader has to court the Right, ie, the religious; and also sound as though willing to settle for an Israel sans west bank and gaza...

The Pals want a state but Hamas, controlling Gaza, does not want Israel to exist and will never (so long as in power) sit down to negotiate anything but a cessation of fighting for the time being. The West Banks without Gaza is not much of a state, and so Abbas has not just Israel to deal with, but also Hamas/Gaza.

Trump and his Trump familia suggested they could know how to deal. Now they recognize that is not the case. Our awesome editor believes a deal can be made. Would be nice. But thus far.....zip, nada, zero.
Israel has now a growing population and very expensive housing. The solution is to move to less settled areas, ie, the settlements in West Bank. This of course angers the Pals. Perhaps, then, the only way they could stop such expansion is by signing off on some deal that would give specific boundaries for both sides. But that still leaves the Gaza/Hamas problem, noted earlier in this long winded comment.

Anonymous said...

Like our supreme leader said..."if jared cant solve this...noone can"

War News Updates Editor said...

For anyone who is interested.
The Soviet .... and now Russian view .... has always been that peace is possible. Privately .... peace is NOT possible. Sighhh .... I still remember my father scoffing at the idea that peace was possible.

TWN said...

There is a solution over there on the hill,
Four Horsemen riding,
can you smell the saddle soap on their reins and saddle?
they bear down so fast, nothing will stop the staccato of their horses shoes, the noise deafens.
Petrified forests shelter the innocent and evil alike, and children cry,and the smell, that rotting smell, that excrement smell, it's the real smell of victory.
The Horsemen laugh and ride on, can you smell it, can you taste it.

Unknown said...


What do you know about this?


fred said...

Dear Heart
I am innocent. Sad to say, but other than my friend from some time ago Glenn, Instapundit, I get my pj's from Target or Amazon, and seldom if ever read that site. Anti-semitism is as American as apple pie, so this is hardly shocking to me. I am old enough to recall when Yale, located in New Haven, the city that I was born in, had a quota for Jews to attend that school; then, over time, that changed till the tide of liberalism swept across the land and they even began to allow girls (!) to attend. That was the it. I left town.
ps: Newt, who is the founding father of closing down the nation, is a lobbyist in every sense of the word, though finding a legal glitch to stay with the limits of a rather loose definition of legal. He does know energy, as seen in his personal life.

Unknown said...

"I am innocent"

I asked "Do you know about this" either through the news or some other way.

Yeah, I realize CT is a big place.

Unknown said...

"quota for Jews to attend that school"

Which why Universities like Brandeis were founded and became successful.

There are still quotas. The Left hides them better. They have in effect nullified the Bakke Ruling.

Their are quotas for Asians in California schools.

Then there are the diversity quotas based on 1 page BS essays.

Unknown said...

I mentioned Newt on another story, when I replied to Jay's DOE gripe.

Newt is identifiable that is why I mentioned him. there was big press about the grid and EMP 5 years ago despite the MSM's attempt to squelch it.

I mentioned newt in relation to EMP because he did speak to the subject for a while and I talk about the other articles on EMP, I would have to link them.

fred said...

There was a medical school located where Brandeis now is. The AMA told that school they needed to impose strick quotas on Jews. The school closed down rather than do that. The place bought and became Brandeis, almost all Jewish in the student body some years ago, but now much less so and in fact many Muslims attend there now. In passing, have a son graduated from there. The Left does not hide quotas. Universities are run by boards of trustees and administrators, and they are usually very conservative. And yes, schools still find ways to have quotas of some kind, but, as I have said, that is not done by crazed commie left wingers but rather state officials giving the ok for what takes place.

Unknown said...

1) Frontpage magazine ran the story on Brandeis about 3 years ago.

2) "The Left does not hide quotas"

You are right. Now they are braze and unapologetic about it.



Google This

quotas site:frontpagemag.com

4) while looking up old stories from the last year about quotas for university admission, I ran into a BIG problem.

If you google this the SCHEIBMeisters at google get upset.

quota -Muslim site:frontpagemag.com

Now I was searching for stories on university quotas and did not want stories about quotas & Muslim refugees. The tyrants at google did not see it that way.

fred said...

Who sets quotas at schools?

Unknown said...

"Who sets quotas at schools? "

You asked that question?

After you had a lawyer take care of the legal work for your properties? I am surprised he did not swindle you.

But let's answer that question anyway not that it will make a difference.

"Who sets quotas at schools? "
The Leftist/liberal admissions staff.

I tried to find the article a read in the last several months where they had some actual California University admission officers, who just showed how nasty they were to Asians of working class background.

I did not find that particular article but I did link two and if you google, you will find more.

However, if you google with the term 'Muslim', in this case my search term was '-Muslim' (that is I wanted returns free of reference to Muslims to get rid of the Muslim refugee stories), then the SCHEIBmeisters at google will give you a time out.

fred said...

Admissions carried out that which provost president board of trustees and state wants
They do not set admissions standards

fred said...

dear heart: NY Times announced that Sessions going after affirmative action at colleges. Does that mean he goes after Admissions Lefties?
Most state colleges have upped number (percentage) of out of state students they will take in...for the extra money...was this simply a plan by lefty admission people who care not at all for parents paying taxes who have less chance of their kids getting into their state schools? damned lefties.

Unknown said...

Plenty of links there were admissions to top schools were based not on ACT, SAT scores or GPA.

But if you ignore them, you can remain ignorant.