Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Why Are There Dump Trucks Filled With Sand At Trump Tower

Sanitation trucks filled with sand act as barricades along Fifth Avenue outside Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's Trump Tower in Manhattan, New York, U.S., November 8, 2016. REUTERS/Andrew Kelly

Business Insider: Why Trump Tower is surrounded by dump trucks filled with sand for Trump's visit to NYC

Protesters and ordinary New Yorkers noticed an odd sight in Midtown this week as President Donald Trump's Manhattan home of Trump Tower was surrounded by dump trucks filled with sand.

Some have complained about the inconvenience caused by the trucks taking up a lane on a busy street, but they serve a very practical role in protecting the president.

The massive trucks filled with sand provide a dense, protective barrier in the event of a bomb.

This is hardly the first time the trucks have come out for safety. On New Years Eve, the 20 ton trucks hauled another 15 tons of sand and lined the streets of Times Square where thousands would gather. During the November 8 election, both Trump Tower, and the Javits Center, where Hillary Clinton watched the election results, were lined with the heavy trucks.

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WNU Editor: These dump trucks may not be aesthetically pleasing, but they would definitely help in blocking the impact of a bomb blast.


Bob Huntley said...

"These dump trucks may not be aesthetically pleasing, but they would definitely help in blocking the impact of a bomb blast."

Yes perhaps the trucks filled with sand will help contain the explosion to the tower footprint.

Anonymous said...

A liberal flood