Thursday, August 3, 2017

Why Did President Trump's National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster Authorised Susan Rice's Security Clearance?

(Click on Image to Enlarge)

CIRCA: A letter from H.R. McMaster said Susan Rice will keep her top-secret security clearance

Almost one month after it was disclosed that former President Obama's National Security Adviser Susan Rice was unmasking members of President Trump’s team and other Americans, Trump’s own national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, sent an official letter giving her unfettered and continuing access to classified information and waiving her “need-to-know” requirement on anything she viewed or received during her tenure, Circa has confirmed.

The undated and unclassified letter from McMaster was sent in the mail to Rice's home during the last week of April. Trump was not aware of the letter or McMaster’s decision, according to two Senior West Wing officials and an intelligence official, who spoke to Circa on condition that they not be named.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: WTF?!?!?! Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice is the subject of several ongoing investigations .... to let her keep her clearance and to waive her ‘need-to-know’ requirement raises a whole slew of questions .... the big one being why? To say that I am surprised is an understatement .... President Trump himself asserted that Susan Rice’s unmasking activity was inappropriate, and that she should be held accountable. The fact that he was kept out of the loop when his own National Security adviser authorised her to keep it ..... I just do not know what to say. This clearance also completely undercuts the administration's case that other officials inappropriately used these "unmasking" powers to investigate Trump officials .... if it was inappropriate, why give Susan Rice clearance? National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster has a lot of explaining to do. As to why is this leak happening now .... President Trump's National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster has been purging the National Security team .... White House Purging Key Officials In The National Security Council (August 2, 2017) .... this looks like "pay-back".


fred said...

To cite Trump as some sort of authority on secrecy etc is questionable in light of what he has already handed out and should not have, but that said, it seems--for better or worse-- that McMaster concluded that Rice did nothing wrong
Now one could perhaps argue about such conclusions, but that would answer the question of why Rice got to keep her clearance.

War News Updates Editor said...

That's the whole point.
He decided.
He did not wait for the investigators report .... he decided, and he did not tell the President .... which as his NSA adviser he should have.
Mark me on this one .... there are going to be consequences from this.

Anonymous said...

I must say Trump is extremly bad at picking his aides ha ha.

fred said...

I extract from the link I had posted earlier

“The unmasking thing was all created by Devin Nunes,” said Burr, seemingly dismissively. Months earlier, sources from both parties told the network that the intelligence Nunes has claimed is proof of wrongdoing doesn’t actually show wrongdoing. If you want to get very cynical about this, it may be that Nunes has turned his attention to Rhodes lately because the Rice angle on “unmasking” has turned out to be fruitless.

War News Updates Editor said...

It may or may not be fruitless .... but let those who are investigating make their report (or not).

Jay Farquharson said...



If you pay any attention what so ever, Former NSC Director Susan Rice, is being called to testify on matters of National Security, in classified hearings by the House, Senate and two Grand Juries.

With out a NSC, she can't make any substantive testimony,

And whom ever pulls her NSC for anything other than violations of the NSC, such as say, lying about meeting Russian Agents over Russian Orphans,

Is guilty of Obstruction of Justice.


But the tall tale tells well to the Gullibillies, the Deplorables and the Alt-Reich, who are being agitpropped by Rape Cesspool Faux, white Supremacy Briebart et al to lynch McMasters.

War News Updates Editor said...

Yes Jay, as I had mentioned she is being investigated. and yes she needs to have access to information because she has all of her files at the Obama Presidential Library sealed for 5 years.

It is the waiver on her "need-to-know" that is raising eyebrows. That is a very generous and blanket clearance for her, and now that the information is out there, an explanation from H.R. McMaster is deserved on why was he so generous, and why did he not tell President Trump.

Maybe there is a good reason. Maybe not.

But I like to know .... and I am sure many readers of this blog would also like to know. Now as to what YOU DO NOT WANT TO KNOW .... that's OK .... that's your privilege.

Jay Farquharson said...

If her NSC is pulled, she can't testify, period.

She's going into sealed testimony with both the House and Senate Commitee's. The Republican's are going to ask pointless questions about "wire tapps" and "unmaskings" to muddy the waters, the Democrat's are goinf to be asking pointed questions about Russian hacking, Trump collusion, NSA transcripts, sources and methods.

She is also being called by both Grand Juries,

Any attempt to restrict or limit her testimony, either way, is "witness tampering", one of those forms of "obstruction of justice".

McMaster's is smart enough not to wind up getting "perp walked".