Friday, August 4, 2017

Why Is The U.S. National Security Adviser At War With Other Members Of The White House?

Joshua Roberts / Reuters

Daily Beast: McMaster Goes to War—Against His White House Enemies

The national security adviser is purging the Trump White House of hardliners. But the ‘nationalists’ are quickly moving to strike back.

Empowered by a new chief of staff and goosed by a president angry over a lack of progress, National Security Adviser Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster is sweeping out some of the White House’s most fervent ideologues and Trump loyalists.

But McMaster has to move fast, senior administration officials tell The Daily Beast. The hardline nationalists at the core of Trump’s political base have declared war on the president’s top national security aide, and his own role is by no means secure.

“The president hasn’t liked the plans he’s been presented on Iran, Afghanistan, or ISIS,” one of the officials told The Daily Beast. “The process hasn’t worked like it should,” to produce the innovative plans President Donald Trump tasked his team with crafting—plans that look different from what the Obama administration, or even the Bush administration, tried before.

Read more ....

Update: Kelly gives McMaster cover in West Wing battles (Politico)

WNU Editor: The role of a National Security Adviser is to give the President advice and information on national security issues. If the above reports are true .... purging dissenting points of view because you believe they are obstructing and/or impeding your agenda .... this does not sit well with me. It is by listening to dissenting points of view that one can learn something new .... case in point .... I know personally I have benefited tremendously over the years by reading dissenting points of view in this blog .... even though I may disagree 90% of the time with what is written, that 10% makes it worthwhile.


Jay Farquharson said...


The three guy's purged so far, wrote "strategy papers" for Hair Twitler suggesting that the War's in the Middle East could be won, only if the US purged itself of the Jews, Rothchilds and Illuminati, and the key limiting constraint on the US in it's war against ISIS, was that US Spokesperson's, didn't say the mantra, "Radical Islamic Terrorism" enough,

Once these two constraints were lifted, the wars would be won in 30 days,

Then the new war against Iran could start.

It's generally not a good idea to run your National Security policies off position papers written by Pizzagate fanboys, like Flynn and the people he surrounded himself with.

Jay Farquharson said...


"campaigns at high levels and there weren't any Russians around. I don't think there were Russians round the Obama campaign or the Kerry campaign either. This campaign had Russians all over the place!

Wallace added that it was even weirder that everyone on the Trump campaign couldn't remember meeting any of these Russian."

GOP Stategist Steve Schmidt on MSNBC yesterday,

And the Disaffected Lib has the strategic summary, from the KievPost,

"Russia will now fall back on another strategy: create even more havoc in Trump’s already dysfunctional Washington. I’m expecting an imminent release of the Trump “pee tape,” on which the future Leader of the Free World is cavorting with Russian prostitutes. It doesn’t matter whether it will be authentic or manufactured. The new Cold War between the two nuclear superpowers will then be in full swing.

But it will be a very different Cold War – and this time the United States stands little chance of winning it."

RussInSoCal said...

Get rid of this McMaster toad. Never should have been there in the first place. A good pick for national security adv would be John Bolton.

Anonymous said...

His name has "General" before it, so Drumph had to post him as NSA.

Anonymous said...

God no, please don't let John Bolton anywhere near national security.

By the way, not a fan of McMaster either

Jay Farquharson said...

Jay Farquharson said...

McMaster's is probably the most clearsighted, intelligent and most innovative tactician in the entire US Military, he's just the guy you want in the NSC Chair.

The US's War Problem, is that the Strategy and Political Goals for action, reside in the White House and State Department, and all three have to be achievable,

not American Exceptionalist/ Conspiracy Theory/ Chickenhawk fantasy.