Friday, September 15, 2017

Castro Invites The FBI To Cuba To Investigate Sonic Attacks On U.S. Diplomats

Miguel Diaz-Canel with Cuban President Raoul Castro. Foto Desmond Boylan/Reuters/Público

Daily Mail: 'A grinding noise that felt like walking through an invisible wall': First descriptions of sonic attacks on 21 US diplomats emerge as Cuba says it is baffled by the mystery illness which causes hearing and speech problems

* Fresh details emerge in the mysterious attacks on at least 21 US victims in Cuba
* First descriptions of the 'grinding' noise heard by American diplomat in bed
* Some victims said the noise was confined to specific parts of rooms
* First revelation of attack on American in a Cuban hotel, outside diplomatic post
* Cuba denies involvement as victims suffer concussions and hearing loss
* Leader Raul Castro expressed concern and invited FBI to Cuba to investigate

The blaring, grinding noise jolted the American diplomat from his bed in a Havana hotel.

He moved just a few feet, and there was silence. He climbed back into bed. Inexplicably, the agonizing sound hit him again.

It was as if he'd walked through some invisible wall cutting straight through his room.

Soon came the hearing loss, and the speech problems, symptoms both similar and altogether different from others among at least 21 US victims in an astonishing international mystery illness still unfolding in Cuba.

Read more ....

Update: Raul Castro's surprising response to harmed US diplomats (AP).

WNU Editor: If the reports that Castro now wants the U.S. to investigate these "sonic attacks" are true .... I will be surprised. Not about the attacks and inviting the FBI into his country .... but Raoul Castro not knowing what is happening. Cuba is a Communist state .... everything and everyone is watched and under surveillance .... especially foreign compounds like the U.S. Embassy. If Castro is out of the loop .... it makes me wonder on what is exactly happening in that country, and are those who are preparing to replace him are already asserting their power. Many questions .... no answers .... not something that I am sure Raoul Castro wants to be happening now as he prepares to retire from public life.

Update #2: The loss of the U.S. embassy will be a huge financial hit on Cuba .... the tourism and money transfers alone amounts to billions per year for Cuba .... Five GOP senators ask Tillerson to close Cuba embassy after attacks on diplomats (CBS).


Anonymous said...

But we do not trust the FBI here so why trust them there?

D.Plowman said...

I know your stance on it WNU Editor. I've never been one to buy into the fact that the Cubans, or at least, the Cuban government, knows or is even behind it.

They've got too much to lose and it makes little sense for them to sabotage their relations.

Whoever is doing this, is doing it cause they've got something to profit from it.

I'm sure a list of suspect parties could be drawn up, and it might be a long list...

War News Updates Editor said...

I agree D. Plowman. A very long list.

Anonymous said...

I also don't think it's them. Plus that they know everything is a bit of a stretch. A device could be put in a van and parked in front of the building for a few minutes and then drive on.
As to who did it. The Russians, Iranians, North Koreans, Chinese.
The US has a long list of enemies and they are working together more and more. Russian military training with Chinese as I'm writing. Iran and north Korea connection well known. China and north Korea connection well known.

Anyone's guess.

Unknown said...

A small group of people are maximizing their wealth. They can do so at the detriment of the majority (of Cubans) and minimizing the wealth of the Cuban people.

This is a misallocation of resources and authority.

People in the Cuban government will get a cut and or have been paid off. An outside party China, Russia or European company will buy distressed assets and provide investment to rescue the Cuban people. That sounds far fetched.

Maybe the cabal that is in power is afraid of losing power, when Raul passes. So they are in the process of ratcheting up a continual emergency. They will not let the emergency(crisis) go to waste. The emergency will explain, why the lives of Cubans are not improving and why the prisons must be filled with political prisoners.

The economic downturn brought by America's leaving Cuba will not affect life on the fabulous Fidel and Raul Castro hacienda nor the haciendas of any of the other grandees of the 'communist' Party.

We should leave. Let China invest $5 Billion in Cuba like they did in Venezuela

Unknown said...

Sounds like wave superposition to me.

In which case they need at least 2 devices (in 2 vehicles?).

Vans in Habana?

Just how many vans or cars for that matter do they have in Habana that are not gubermint owned?

Anonymous said...

These would be big enough

Unknown said...

You work backwards.

1) You figure how much dB would damage an ear.

2) Then you have to figure the distance the noise generator was. This would be distance to the street or the next flat. If one or both of the sound generators were in the next flat, you probably have a state actor.

You have 2 generators so each individual one could be smaller.

A generator could be focused to a frequency as built or selected. Point is that since it is not covering/jamming all frequencies it does not have to have a massive back end to generate all the power.

The farther away the generator is, the more power it is going to need.

These a__hats in Cuba are using sound weapons.
- Bring our diplomats home
- Kick their diplomats out (except for the NYC UN ones) We should limit those if we could. The UN HQ should be on a small island somewhere in the Atlantic or Pacific. That way we would not have such heavy viral/spy load.
- Shut down visas.
- No direct flights.
- No trade.
- Interdict the drug trade flowing thru Cuba. Gotta pauperize the caudillos that run Cuba some how
- Shoot some Cuban spies after we release them from prison with deniability of course.