Tuesday, September 12, 2017

FBI Investigating Russia's News Agency 'Sputnik' As A Propaganda Arm Of The Kremlin

Yahoo News: Sputnik, the Russian news agency, is under investigation by the FBI

WASHINGTON — The FBI recently questioned a former White House correspondent for Sputnik, the Russian-government-funded news agency, as part of an investigation into whether it is acting as an undeclared propaganda arm of the Kremlin in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

As part of the probe, Yahoo News has learned, the bureau has obtained a thumb drive containing thousands of internal Sputnik emails and documents — material that could potentially help prosecutors build a case that the news agency played a role in the Russian government “influence campaign” that was waged during last year’s presidential election and, in the view of U.S. intelligence officials, is still ongoing.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Sputnik has responded .... Russian Journalists Union Calls US Attack on Sputnik 'Next Wave of McCarthyism' (Sputnik). RT is also under scrutiny .... RT Claims Its Associates Asked to Register as Foreign Agents in US (Newsweek). As to what is my take .... yes .... Russian news agencies do have a pro-Russian view in their reporting. Deutsche Welle has a German view. The South China Morning Post gives an Asian perspective. AFP has a French view. CGTN has a China view. etc.. I can also say the same thing about U.S. reporters overseas .... their reporting is always done from an American perspective and bias .... and no one is surprised. This is why I always believe that news reports should be identified as to where are they coming from .... instead of just stating the headline. My prediction .... the FBI is not going to stop with Sputnik. There are many foreign journalists working in the U.S., and this FBI investigation just opens a Pandora's Box for all of them to be investigated and scrutinized.

More News On Reports That The FBI Investigating Russia's News Agency 'Sputnik' As A Propaganda Arm Of The Kremlin

FBI investigating Russian news agency: report -- The Hill
Russian news agency that pushed DNC conspiracy reportedly under FBI investigation -- Business Insider
FBI Questions Former Sputnik Correspondent In Election-Meddling Probe -- RFE
FBI gets Sputnik emails, critics see 'red line for media' crossed in Russia probe -- Washington Examiner
FBI wants to know if Russia's Sputnik is Kremlin propaganda -- VICE News
US Probes Russia's Sputnik News Agency for Foreign Agent Law Violations -- The Moscow Times


B.Poster said...

The US government which includes the FBI and the mainstream news media is actively involved in a de facto coup against a duly elected POTUS and his team. As such, they must continue with their fairy tales about so called Russian interference.

In order to carry out this de facto coup, they destroyed a careful and meticulous diplomatic process with Russia that took months if not years to carefully put together, exacerbated Cold War 2, further undermined the role of the US dollar as world reserve currency all but ensuring a hard landing for the US when this does happen, and I could go on. Essentially they seem perfectly willing to destroy the country and themselves in the process of this coup. These petty losers are absolutely disgusting and revolting.

fred said...

The FBI is at this point investigating and not yet directly accusing anyone or nation of anything. You are convinced they are wrong, conspiring, etc. And so: where is your proof that they are both wrong and conspiring against the president?

B.Poster said...


As a general rule we present evidence before opening an official investigation. Generally judges and the courts frown upon "fishing expeditions."

"...where is your proof that they are both wrong and are conspiring against the president?" It is the FBI and others, etc who are making the accusations against both POTUS and the Russians. As such, it is they who must present evidence. Thus far this has not been done. Numerous slanderous allegations have been made with no evidence presented to back them up. The editor of this site has repeatedly pointed this out.

The Russian journalist union describes this as the "next wave of McCarthyism." They would appear to be correct. While I cannot vouch for the original "McCarthyism," this one has all the makings of slanderous allegations.

When HRC began making such reckless allegations, I pointe out that she was/either pathologically insane or she had the mind of impudent child. Either way such things would normally disqualify someone from any position that an adult might be expected to hold especially POTUS.

We've all long known about the American (in)justice system. Up until now those wishing to do so could generally blithely ignore it. Generally it has been/is directed against either those who lack the means to afford proper representation and/or low level business and political operatives that no one likes anyway. Never before, to the best of my knowledge, has this system been directed against a POTUS or members of his team. Now the American (in)justice system is being laid bare for all the world to see and can no longer be denied. I'm pretty sure the FBI has no business investigating anyone right now for pretty much anything. It makes little sense to have the more corrupt investigating the less corrupt.

Of course none of this is to argue for or against the efficacy of the Trump presidency. The witch hunts are another matter entirely but it does seem these people will gladly destroy the country and themselves in the process if that is what it takes to have their coup.

jimbrown said...

President inestigating FBI as extension of DNC.

fred said...

The Justice Department has told the U.S. arm of the Russian state-owned media outlet Russia Today that it must register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. The move would label RT as propaganda so Americans are "informed of the source of information ... and the identity of persons attempting to influence US public opinion, policy, and laws."

The context: This news comes one day after it was reported that the FBI is investigating Russian government-funded news agency Sputnik as an undisclosed propaganda arm for the Kremlin.
Mpw who runs the Justice Dept?

Carl said...

J. Edgar Hoover's persecution of Martin Luther King was not a unique event/ It was characteristic of how the FBI operated then and continues to operate. It's a political police, not a law enforcement agency.

Unknown said...

The FBI should be investigate Hillary for Russian influence peddling.

Get Really, Really Rich: Form a Non-Profit


Step 1) The Clinton _____ Family formed a charity. Check

Step 2) Pay the principals of the charity 6 figures. Check

Step 3) Rich, connected Russians pay the Clinton Foundation $ 25 million. Check


fred said...

Dear AS
creative accounting?
cooking the books?
Nah. the usual DEFLECTION
off topic: C- for your work
you choose always to drift away from the topic. This is known in game theory as Losing the Game Change how It Is Played

and now, a snappy retort back at me with name calling, which, of course, is also typical ploy
nightie night

Anonymous said...

Fred. I agree with you. I want Trump to be guilty. Badly. I despise him. However -- until there is evidence he is not guilty. The burden of providing evidence lies with the prosecution. Simple as that.

Now. It's been a year and instead of seeing more evidence, there doesn't seem to be anything,really. A lot of almost daily accusations and innuendo on cnn - anything but calling him a traitor for a year - and now nothing to show for and no excuses/public corrections made. I find this behaviour by cnn incredible and appalling.

Back to Russia. If there's evidence, let it show. Otherwise I find myself in agreement with bposter for the first time. Without evidence it is McCarthyism. I personally believe the Russians meddled in our elections. But so do we. We either call them out with some evidence, or hit them back. But what we shouldn't do is this undemocratic nonsense of accusing everyone without evidence.