Friday, September 1, 2017

Is President Trump About To Pardon Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange?


The Hill: Talk of Assange pardon worries intelligence community

A GOP lawmaker's suggestion that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange could be pardoned by President Trump is being eyed warily by people in the intelligence community.

While a pardon for Assange seems unlikely, it's hardly impossible considering Trump's praise for Wikileaks and Assange's own efforts to question U.S. intelligence that Russia sought to influence last year's election.

As such, the idea is being taken seriously in intelligence quarters.

“It would send a terrible message to the intelligence community,” said Robert Deitz, a former senior counselor to the director of the Central Intelligence Agency and general counsel at the National Security Agency.

Deitz currently works as a Professor at George Mason University’s Schar School of Policy and Government.

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WNU Editor: I will be surprised if President Trump actually pardons Wikileaks founder Julian Assange .... the blow-back from the intelligence community and from the Pentagon will be intense. But what a message it will send if he does.


Anonymous said...

Yeah and Assange will die mysteriously if he ever publishes on serious Russian interests. .because they too will send a message

Unknown said...

- Assange is self-centered.
- Assange is a snake.
- Asange has been very cozy with the Russians. He is very likely a fellow traveller if not an agent.

I really don't care, if Trump pardons Assange.

A case has failed to be made against Assange. It is not that there isn't one; it is just has not been made.

I am much more concerned about McCabe and Friends taking down Flynn.

1) Really McCabe can engage in sexual harassment, Flynn stand sup for the victim and Flynn gets taken down?
2) Everyone critical of Islam or the bad parts of Islam gets s___canned.
3) Comey decides to exonerate/pardon Clinton before he investigates.
4) Comey is best buds with Mueller. Mueller hired 7 or 8 Clinton lawyers.

Given 1 through 4, do you think many Americans really give a flying ____ about Assange?

Maybe if Assange is pardoned we might actually learned, who leaked the damning Democrat Party emails. It will open that up to further scrutiny. For that alone a pardon might be welcomed.

I hate Assange and he is a snake. He will selectively dump American secrets but not Russians ones. For all that he might be useful.

RussInSoCal said...

Assange is the only one with the answers to this whole DNC leak fiasco. If the FBI is going to behave like a banana republic enforcer, selectively choosing which leads to follow and which crimes to pursue, maybe Assange should be pardoned so we can all finally get to the bottom of this.

Say what you will about Assange. He's never published anything that wasn't true. Never got it wrong. Ever.