Friday, September 1, 2017

Is This How An FBI Investigation Is Done?

FOX News: Trump slams 'rigged system' over claim Comey 'exonerated' Clinton before probe ended

President Trump on Friday slammed what he called a “rigged system” following reports that former FBI Director James Comey began drafting an “exoneration statement” for Hillary Clinton before interviewing her in connection with her private email use as secretary of state.

“Wow, looks like James Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton long before the investigation was over…and so much more. A rigged system!” Trump tweeted early Friday.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: And this Comey revelation is coming on the heels of this .... FBI says lack of public interest in Hillary emails justifies withholding documents (Washington Times). It makes me wonder if there is some truth behind this .... A former FBI agent battling Deputy Director McCabe said there is a 'cancer' inside the FBI (CIRCA). I have stayed away from the Russia-Gate/Mueller investigation for the past two weeks .... rest assured .... a lot is now happening in that investigation, and I will be giving my take during the long Labour Day weekend.

More News On How Former FBI Director Comey Handled The Clinton Investigation

GOP senators: Comey drafted statement clearing Clinton before her interview -- Politico
Comey drafted Clinton exoneration before finishing investigation, GOP senators say -- CNN
Comey criticized by senators for appearing to reject Clinton charges before FBI probe finished -- Chicago Tribune/McClatchy News
Trump Again Lashes Out at Comey's Handling of Clinton Investigation -- New York Times
Comey drafted conclusion in Hillary Clinton probe before key interviews, top Republicans say -- CBS News
'A rigged system!' Trump blasts Comey following charge that he 'exonerated' Hillary Clinton before interviewing her in email scandal probe -- Daily Mail
Key Questions About Clinton and Comey that Mueller's Russia Investigation Should Answer -- Newsweek


Anonymous said...

Pres. Trump is the real victim here. Pray for this
asinine buffoon.

fred said...

FBI sucks
What is better?

Anonymous said...

As a citizen, I certainly would love all the breaks anyone who becomes powerful within the WDC enclave.

Once you enter and go to the top or near to it, you seem to become completely immune to investigation or arrest for very serious crimes.

This is what Trump has learned. It's gong to take a great deal to drain the swamp filled with molasses.

Unknown said...

"FBI sucks
What is better? " - Mr. Lapides

Seems like a rearguard action by someone 'splaining' away inconvenient facts.

The FBI should not suck this bad.

We need firings, prosecutions and reformation of the FBI.

McCabe has go to go. He has to be prosecuted. He cannot get some cush gig at a think tank or somewhere else.

War News Updates Editor said...

The onus is now on Trump nominated (and approved) FBI Director Christopher Wray to change the culture at the FBI. Unfortunately .... even though I know it is still too early .... I have yet to see any changes.

fred said...

Too many liberals in FBI
Nah mr smith check history of their files as noted freedom of info

Unknown said...

Mr. Lapides,

So McCabe's sexual harassment fits into your liberal culture?

Maybe fits is the wrong word; using the word being pleonastic.