Tuesday, September 26, 2017

On Which Side Would China Intervene If A Korean War Breaks Out? (A Conversation)

Liu Jieyi (C), China's permanent representative to the UN, addresses a meeting of the UN Security Council on Kosovo at the UN headquarters in New York Feb. 27, 2017. China on Monday urged all parties concerned to continue pushing ahead with the process of dialogue on the Kosovo issue and find a political solution to it. (Xinhua/Li Muzi)

China File: What Will China Do if the U.S. Attacks North Korea?

During a speech at the United Nations General Assembly on September 19, U.S. President Donald Trump warned that if North Korea threatened the United States or its allies, he would “totally destroy” the nation. As tensions continue to rise between Washington and Pyongyang, is Beijing growing more or less likely to intervene in a conflict between the United States and North Korea? On which side would China intervene? —The Editors.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Some interesting facts in the opinions of these commentators. The one that caght my eye is this one ....

.... Shen Dingli focuses on China’s obligation under the 1961 Mutual Aid and Cooperation Friendship Treaty to come to North Korea’s aid if attacked. There have been many rumors, confirmed privately by informed Chinese sources, that Beijing has attempted on several occasions to persuade North Korea to excise the mutual assistance clause from the Treaty, but Pyongyang has not agreed. Without the agreement of both Contracting Parties, the Treaty cannot be amended or terminated.


Anonymous said...

Haha hahaha
I'm sorry wnu, but you're so naive when it comes to China. I don't understand why - you're right on many other issues, but you seem to completely focus on words and ignore all of Chinese actions. I don't understand why. What's going on?

Have you looked at their track record of violating almost any existing international agreement on anything from human rights to international water lines to trade to copyright? They are the single biggest violator in this century - easily.

If you think a line in a contract with north Korea will matter to them at all, you are gravely mistaken. What matters to them first, foremost and a hundred times over is their interests. Not law. Not someone's rights. Nothing is above what party members want. Not your life. Not mine.

Actions. Not words. Look at their actions.

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm sorry. I misunderstood. Thought you believe it. You were just staying that you find them interesting. The "facts" bit mislead me. Feel free to not publish either of my comments :) just found it puzzling that you always seem to think China is the good guy here lol

Anonymous said...

I just really feel we - the west, middle east, Africa and the east need to realise that China and its citizens (especially noticeable in business) operate -outside- international laws. This to me is the biggest issue in this century as it unfairly transferred and still transfers much of our wealth to China because they can do almost whatever they want. They rob us under the protection of the government. Every day. Just ask whatsapp what they think. Oh right. .they can't say anything or their ban will last forever. We're all being muted and our economic and intellectual and trade rights went first. Just think what's coming next.

Bloggermonster said...

Anon, WNU doesn't even state his stance on what they would do in regards to the treaty so how can you justify calling WNU naive? How about we just give him the appreciation he is due in collecting all of these articles that save us all the time of having to research ourselves? I have been around this blog long enough to know that while he is not always right he is able to admit when he is wrong. but no where in the above does he even state an opinion of what the Chinese would do in regards to the '61 treaty.

War News Updates Editor said...

The messenger is always the first one to get it. :)

War News Updates Editor said...

I do not see China as a "good-guy". I understand why they are doing the things that they do .... and I try my best to explain it. No where is that an endorsement of the China position.

D.Plowman said...


Ever hear about strawman?

WNU Editor only took out a quote from an article, he didn't provide any opinion on it, merely to highlight it.

I fail to see how in your infinite wisdom you somehow managed to extrapolate his view based on that.

And while your analysis is somewhat crude, I do agree. I don't think China will honour any such contract. It doesn't mean they'll not come to their aid, it just means that if they decide to do so, it won't be because of some treaty, it will be for other reasons.

If war does break out, I like to think that there is some survival instinct in China not to escalate this any further, and decide to not take the side of North Korea. Doing so would greatly extend the conflict, where as the shorter route would be to try and end the war as quickly as possible without a confrontation with the US.

Anonymous said...

D Plow man and bloggermonster. You are both right and I stand corrected. In fact I had noticed my error before my first comment was even published and went on to explain my error. The delay in postings can sometimes cause this. Anyways. Good wnu this isn't your position. ..I just find very few china critical posts here and I wonder if it is because you fear of getting blocked. As everyone does who speaks out against China. We all should be alarmed at what's happening to our tech companies - major contributes to our wealth. All of them - all - either give in to the demands of China, pay their tributes (literally shell out cash - just ask apple about the 1bn cash they brought over last year), or get blocked - just ask whatsapp Google Facebook. .All of them. . while the Chinese competitors (eg wechat) don't have to pay tributes, don't get their IP violated and don't get banned from our markets. It's incredible what's happening - we're bleeding billions by the day. And all that while China sells everything including the rocket fuel (no joke) to north Korea. To me, I think we're at economic and societal war with China. We're losing both. We are subject to international laws. You and I. You must understand that Chinese business men are not. They operate under the protection of the Chinese government. We are so seriously screwed in just 1-2 decades from now, that we'll be second class citizens effectively. You may not notice it, depending on the area you work in. But it is happening. That's why I react almost allergic when someone points out Chinese words but doesn't equally point out Chinese actions. The prior mislead us, while the second matter to us. Just look at their actions.

Anonymous said...

Plowman.just on your last paragraph. Agreed. I hope so too. But looking at history and the current state I don't think either of us will be so lucky. History shows that they (the Chinese) sided with north Korea before - hence why we "lost" the first Korean war. Stalemate / armistice .OK. . But the point is they sent 300,000 soldiers. And we were blindside then. That's when we were militarily superior many times fold. Today we are not. Also. .the Chinese have changed over time. I know many and have seen them change. They want to kick ass and take names. In their eyes it is us westerners who want to hold them down, they don't often know about how much money we lost to them because of the Chinese government violating international rights. And I don't blame them. I too wouldn't believe it. But having lived in more than 10 countries including China over the last ten years, I somewhat have a unique insight into this. If something doesn't change soon, we are all set up for a massive confrontation in which we go in starry eyes and we'll be in for a big big surprise. Do not for one second think they will avoid war. They haven't back then, they sure as f*ck won't now. Instead, they will see that we don't have any more money to spend on our militaries. Just look at the F35 program. .after shelling out hundreds of billions we now retire 100 of them before they have even flown, because we can't even afford to operate them. And why can't we afford it? See my point? We are at economic war for years already but staying silent about it doesn't help.

War News Updates Editor said...

I hate this moderating role. There is a time lapse, and of course I have to read everything. but I have no choice. The laws are changing and I could be liable for the crazy stuff that people sometimes post in a comment thread. This is also becoming a tactic that some are using to close down websites .... post a crazy comment, and then complain to Google or a government agency on the comment. So far now .... moderation will continue, but I hope to take it off in the coming weeks.

As for China .... I have zero fear/concerns on being blocked. I have also been a consistent and very long term critic of Chinese trade practices .... even warning my friends in China that this free ride is going to end one day. They are only listening now. As for China's other policies .... I can spend all day criticizing what they are doing .... and I do .... but there is only so much that I can do in a day.

fred said...

suggestion for editor: let folks post what they will. But use some sort of flag--I have seen such on other sites--that a reader, if he believes a comment is racist, viscious, unworthy, is able to send a message to the editor and then the editor can decide whether or not to delete it...that allows for quicker posting and for no need for the editor to read each and every comment but only those flagged by a reader...

Anonymous said...

Wnu - didn't mean to criticise your moderating rule, apologies if it came over like this. I usually write from my phone and do so very quickly, so sometimes my words aren't chosen too carefully. You're doing a great job moderating - I know I've called you out/teased you many times and not once you have not published my comments. That's the way it ought to be. Disagree sometimes, agree other times, but always let people speak/be heard. Unless they do "crazy" comments as you put it. Anything hateful crosses the lines in my book. I often criticise the Chinese, but that doesn't mean I hate them. I do have Chinese friends and spend a long time in various places in mainland China and Hong Kong. Anyone I met was hard working, so they deserve all of the good things coming to them. However, I do not accept the dark side of China. Abducting of Hong Kong book sellers who criticise the party leaders, selling of rocket fuel and mobile missile launchers to north Korea -who threaten us with nuclear war, and of course outright theft of hundreds of billions of not trillions in intellectual property rights, copy right and patent violations, governmental sanctioned industrial espionage,south China bullying and the list goes on. I just feel we need to actively speak out more- let them know it can't go on like this. In my industry no one dares to speak out any longer. We're being silenced or lose access to the market, while Chinese get away with "murder" (financially speaking). This has to stop.

War News Updates Editor said...

Good point Fred. I will investigate tonight to see if I can do it with blogger. Mucha thanks.

War News Updates Editor said...

Made an error in my posting. I said this ....
I am more in agreement with on China than you think.
No need to apologize on the other stuff. I always enjoy a debate.


What I meant to say is that I am more in agreement with YOU on China than you think.

Anonymous said...

That's the way I read it, don't worry :)) you must be a coffee lover- looking at the speed with which you process comments; )

War News Updates Editor said...

Coffee from Kona, Hawaii .... the best!!!!!

Anonymous said...

5am here. ..I'll make myself some Vietnamese coffee now :p

Bloggermonser said...

WNU, Anon. I'm glad to see everyone has cleared the air :) I prefer it when we can focus on the real issues... now as long as Trump and Kim can do the same we'll be a whole lot better off.